The reason why the nucleic acid results are not displayed under the green code:
If you go to the hospital for a nucleic acid test recently and think that if you open the green code, the nucleic acid test results will show that there is a big mistake under the green code. Will not automatically appear, you need to query yourself. After the inquiry, the latest nucleic acid detection results will be displayed under the green code.
Accuracy of nucleic acid detection:
Nucleic acid detection is the "gold standard" of positive virus infection, but there are some special false positives, such as false positives caused by some samples being contaminated, but these problems can be avoided by strict quality control and re-examination of positive samples.
However, false negatives are inevitable because many factors are involved. Li said: "One is the timing of collecting samples, such as the initial infection of close contacts and whether the onset is relatively long, which can not be accurately detected by nucleic acid detection. At the end of the incubation period of infection or at the beginning of the disease, false negatives may appear. It is also related to the type of sampling, such as sputum examination and throat swab.
In addition, the test results are related to the standard operation of sampling personnel and the analytical sensitivity of reagents. The last one is the variability of COVID-19, which may also lead to false negatives.