It is the habit of many people to store clothes when they come back at night, and then put them in a big basin for one night before washing them. Although soaking clothes in bubbles can make it easier to wash away detergents and clothes stains in advance, it is not right to soak them overnight, because after a long time, these detergents will adhere to the fibers of clothes, and it will take many times to clean them, and it will also make clothes age and fade. Generally speaking, it is recommended to soak clothes 15 minutes.
The following are the daily cleaning methods for washable clothes. If necessary, refer to Washing:
1. If there are no stubborn stains on the clothes, you can dissolve a proper amount of laundry detergent in water according to the product label, soak the clothes for 15 minutes, and then wash them normally.
2. If there are local stains on the clothes, you can use the "dry clothes pre-coating method": after the clothes are dry, apply the special laundry detergent for hand washing on the stains, gently rub the stains after 5 minutes, and then clean the clothes regularly.