1, ааа: It corresponds to the Chinese phonetic alphabet A (the one that the doctor told you to open your mouth and say "ah" when pulling teeth).
2.бб: Corresponding to Chinese Pinyin B, the pronunciation should be emphasized ("е", more accurately, "no forehead" but only a transitional tongue shape in the middle).
3. вв: Corresponding to the English letter V, be careful not to change it into the Chinese phonetic alphabet U ("micro-forehead", of course, mainly reading the vowels of micro-mouth and forehead in quotation marks).
4.гг: Corresponding to the Chinese phonetic letter G, the pronunciation should be emphasized ("cut", more accurately, "give" is of course the initial vowel and the amount given).
5.дд: Corresponding to Chinese Pinyin D, the pronunciation should be emphasized (if "de" is more standard, it is like "del").
6. ееее: Corresponding to the Chinese phonetic leaf, or the Chinese character "Ye" ("Ye" feels a little childish, and "Ye" will be more like a standard).
7.ёё: It corresponds to the Chinese pinyin yo, which is between the Chinese characters "gourd" and "yue", and the lips should be pouted ("demon").
Classification of Russian letters:
Russian alphabet is the Cyrillic alphabet used in Russian and some other languages. In most cases, Russian letters are divided into three categories: vowels, voiced consonants and unvoiced consonants.
Vowels are letters pronounced with relatively open pronunciation and airflow through the mouth. There are six vowels in Russian, namely а (a), е (ye), п(yo), и (i), о (o) and у (u). Among them, ё (yo) is a special vowel, which is rarely used in Russian.
Voiced consonants are consonants produced by vocal cord vibration. There are 20 voiced consonants in Russian: б (b), в (v), г (g), д (d), з (z), й (y) and л (l).
A silent consonant is a consonant with no voice in the larynx. There are 10 silent consonants in Russian, which are п (p), Ф (f), к (k), т (t), ш (sh), щ (shch) and с (s).