The first responsible person for his own health.

Become? Do it yourself? Who is the first responsible person for health needs? Do you want this? Four "selves"

Me? Country? Home? Like this every time? Everyone? Cheng Yao? For yourself? Healthy? The first responsible person, such as? Do what? Here's to health. Who cares? What about reason? By who? Four here? The formation of a "self".

First, self-examination; Second, self-correction; Third, self-adjustment; Fourth, self-defense.

The first self-check, just? what's up Have symptoms? Pre-stored? Brother Fang? Disease? Gross. Because it's big? Disease? Morning? Small is? Sick, small? Disease? Morning? What are the symptoms? Shape, as long as it is heavy? Symptoms? Me? Just us? what's up Preventive measures? All kinds of diseases, and? Me and? Child symptoms? Feeling? What do you want? Medical ratio? Hospital? Musical instrument? Be sensitive.

Like what? Are you a fruit? Still waiting? Body to? Inspection report? Come out? Is there a problem? Really? Is it a disease? Heavy and strict? Yes By who? Learn? Can read? Body? Language self-examination, this? Pre-really? Guard against? Keep your mouth shut? One step away.

First one? Step two? Self-correction, just? what's up Crossing the line? What is this? Is that correct? Make peace? Change, life? Square fire? Adjustment type? Do it. To prevent diseases. Because? What's the disease? People don't change their habits, they change everything. Treatment? It's all in vain. How many? What? what's up Disease? Metropolis? Show? Samsara, turn? Expansion? Spread out.

This? Is that right? Why? Why? Is it a lot? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Dead? Doubt? Miscellaneous difficulties? Disease, the whole world? Major? There's nothing the family can do. Its? Master? Want the original? Because? Yes, specialized? No home? Taking care of patients? Raw? Lifestyle, except? Left? He Chuan? External meaning? Besides, its? Him? What disease? Okay? Is it raw? Square fire? Type I disease, where is it? Self-reliance? Correct it? Has it recovered? Recover? Kant? The only direction.

First one? Three? Self-adjustment, this? Ken: Really? Kang recuperate? What time? Is also the key point? Yes, it's just? Through every one? Adjust species? Also to improve immunity? Yes, it's just? Stand upright. Than? Like what? Raise the temperature, increase Gas? Blood, camp? All support it? Balance, intestinal health, heart? Tone? Whole, sleep? Sleep? Whole, sports? Tune? Wait a minute.

This step? Only no? Can adjust minor ailments, and? Can it be reconciled? Prevent serious diseases, how many? Give energy? we? Dexian? Young, healthy and long. By who? Really? Jian Zheng? Take precautions before keeping in good health? Are you there? Hospitals, and? what's up People's Everyday? In life.

First one? Four points. Self-defense, just? what's up Overtraining? Study well? Accustomed to it? Preventive measures? Other diseases, more? Pre-added? Anti-aging acceleration.

So, why? What? Self-sufficiency in health? Who cares? Why? Because? Symptoms? Self-examination, study? Before? Self-correction, body? Self? Tone and life? Live broadcast? Self-defense, not for a while? That son? Things, but a generation? That son? Things. By who? Want to? To persist for a lifetime, must? Self-demand? I will insist.

By who? Want to? Want it? Really? Positive and healthy, of course? What's the point? Look first, because? Think about it? Is Wei okay? What is this? Navigation, thinking? Change dimensions? Change, behavior? Self-satisfaction, I correct and? Me? Insist.