Where is the security conveyor belt dirty?

Security inspection conveyor belts are usually easily contaminated by pollutants such as dust and bacteria. These pollutants may come from the surface of the object to be inspected, from microorganisms on the passengers' bodies, and other factors related to the security inspection process.

Safety conveyor belts are usually used to transport various items, including luggage, suitcases, shoes, etc. These items may be placed on the ground or other unclean surfaces, so that their surfaces may be polluted by dust and dirt. In addition, passengers may carry bacteria and viruses on their hands. When they touch the safety conveyor belt, these microorganisms may spread to the conveyor belt.

In addition, there may be liquid, powder or other pollutants leaking or overflowing from the items passing through the security inspection conveyor belt. These pollutants may remain on the conveyor belt, causing pollution.

In order to maintain hygiene and reduce cross-infection, the security inspection conveyor belt is usually cleaned and disinfected. However, due to continuous use and frequent contact, the security inspection conveyor belt may still be contaminated.

Therefore, there may be various pollutants on the security inspection conveyor belt, including dust, bacteria and other pollutants. In order to maintain personal hygiene and health, it is recommended to clean your hands after touching the safety conveyor belt and avoid direct contact with your face and food.