Rh negative blood group is panda blood, and Rh negative blood belongs to one of the Rh blood group systems. In China, more than 99% people are Rh-positive. Rh negative blood is an extremely rare blood type, so it is called panda blood.
In addition to ABO blood group system, Rh blood group is often used in clinic. Rh blood group was first found on the erythrocyte membrane of Indian rhesus monkey, and Rh is the abbreviation of the first two letters of the English name of rhesus monkey. According to whether there is D antigen on the erythrocyte membrane, Rh blood group can be divided into two types: those with D antigen are Rh positive and those without D antigen are Rh negative. This blood type has no effect on health, so don't worry too much.
Can panda blood be inherited?
Panda blood is hereditary, but it belongs to recessive inheritance, with less parental inheritance and more atavism. Panda blood type belongs to recessive inheritance. If both parents inherit a negative gene to the child, the child is a panda blood type. If only one parent inherits the RH negative gene from the child, it is more likely that the child is a panda blood type, but it is not necessarily panda blood.
Therefore, the child is a panda blood type, which may not be inherited by parents, but may be inherited by grandparents, resulting in the child being a panda blood type. Panda blood is rare, and the gene sequence completely conforms to Mendel's law. The criterion of RH positive and negative is based on the low antigen in the antigen. From a genetic point of view, whether there is a D gene is the key.
Refer to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia -Rh negative blood