How to drive a Do Not Disturb mode?

If you use a vivo mobile phone, after the Do Not Disturb mode is turned on, all incoming calls, messages, and software notifications will be muted except for the contacts who are "allowed to disturb", and the Do Not Disturb mode can be automatically turned on for a certain period of time.

Here's how to set the Do Not Disturb mode:

OriginOS 3, OriginOS Ocean and OriginOS 1.0 systems:

Enter Settings-Sound and Vibration/Sound, Vibration and Silent Keys-Focus Mode-Select Do Not Disturb, Work, Sleep or Personal-Set the notification and time in the corresponding mode.

Allow interruption: allow incoming calls, messages and application reminders, and will not be muted in focus mode;

Auto-open: in focus mode, open the selected application during use and close it when exiting; ("Automatic on in sleep mode" is turned on and off synchronously with the sleep detection function in health application)

Automatic mute of media: when the focus mode is turned on, the volume of media will automatically return to zero;

Display screen lock and pause notification: information and applications that are not allowed to be disturbed will display pause and screen lock notification.

Funtouch OS 9.2/iQOO and above:

Enter Settings-Sound and Vibration/Sound, Vibration and Silent Keys/Sound-do not disturb mode/Focus Mode-Turn on the function; Bring up the control center and click the "Moon icon" to open it.

Funtouch? Under OS 9.2: Go to Settings-do not disturb mode-Turn on "Manual".

Graphic link.