What's the difference between chicken and broiler?
There is little difference in nutritional components between native chicken and broiler chicken, but some nutritional components fluctuate slightly. For example, the fat content of broilers is slightly higher, which is related to their growing environment and feeding methods. Native chicken grows in the natural environment, with less human intervention, long growth cycle and more activities. The source of food can be freely chosen by chickens, so the meat quality of native chickens is relatively tight, and there are more protein and other nitrogen-containing extracts. Broilers are different. Under human intervention, the feed formula of broilers must be able to accelerate the growth rate of chickens and reduce the mortality rate of chickens, so the health problems such as hormone and antibiotic residues are more prominent. In addition, the activity space of chicken is very small, so the body fat content will naturally increase, the growth speed is fast, the water content is high, the meat quality is not solid enough, the growth cycle is short, and the nitrogen-containing extract is less, so the fresh and fragrant taste of chicken is not rich enough.