The concept of health risk assessment

The concept of health risk assessment:

1. degree of danger

The degree of danger, also known as danger, refers to the expected probability of physical injury, disease and even death caused by exposure to a certain level of chemical poisons under certain conditions.

2. Security

Refers to the probability that exposure to a certain level of chemical poisons will not cause any harmful effects on the body under the prescribed usage and dosage conditions.

3. Acceptable risk level

Since absolute safety does not exist, it is impossible to completely avoid contact with chemicals. As long as human beings contact and use chemicals, they will bear certain risks.

Acceptable risk refers to the risk that the public and society can bear in spirit and psychology. For example, the incidence of tumor is 10-6, and the incidence of teratoma is 10-3.

4. Actual safe dose (VSD)

VSD refers to the exposure dose of chemical poisons corresponding to acceptable risks.

5. Allowable daily intake

Refers to the total amount of a chemical substance that normal adults are allowed to ingest from the external environment every day.

6. Allowable concentration