Can autoimmune cells kill cancer cells?

The best doctors in the world are our own immune cells. Let's see how immune cells attack and destroy cancer cells under the ultra-high definition microscope.

1. The vanguard troops entered the field for a trial attack, hehe, the cancer cells are still resisting!

2. A soldier in the team found a breakthrough, the cancer cells collapsed instantly, and the brothers rose to attack!

3. Cancer cells have no resistance and are gradually eliminated. Immune cells successfully completed their task and won a great victory!

Immune cells, also known as natural killer cells, are the third group of lymphocytes alongside T cells and B cells. Their functions are similar to those of the public security bureau, preventing cancer and viruses from infecting body cells. Immune cells can lead to apoptosis by binding with the receptor of the target cell, and can promote the production of new cells and balance the functions of organs and immune system.

Everyone has mutated cells in his body, the number of which is about 10000, but they will not form tumors because there are immune cells guarding human health.

Immune cells fight all the year round in the first line of defense to protect human health, especially in the battlefield of monitoring and eliminating cancer cells.

Immune cells have broad-spectrum anti-tumor effect, and do not show the specificity and MHC limitation of tumor killing!

Immune cells have eyes to identify healthy cells and tumor cells.

Immune cells are natural killer cells with dual functions of cytotoxicity and immunomodulation. Immune cells come from bone marrow, and after training to recognize MHC I molecules, they gain the ability to distinguish "friends or enemies".

? There are many receptors on the surface of immune cells, which can be divided into two types: activated KAR and inhibited KIR. MHC I molecules in healthy cells bind to the inhibited receptors, but the activation signal is very low, which inactivates immune cells and avoids accidental damage to healthy cells.

There are two types of tumor cells that can activate the killing effect of immune cells. One is that they have lost the MHC I receptor. These cells can escape the killing of T cells, but because they lose the inhibitory signal of immune cells, they become the target of immune cell elimination.

The other is that tumor cells with up-regulated expression of activation ligand will bind more activation receptors and greatly increase the activation signal. After overcoming the inhibition signal, immune cells begin to kill tumor cells.

Immune cells are a common strategy for cancer treatment.

In medicine, immune cells play a key role in the first line of defense of cancer. Immune cells have two anticancer effects, one is to kill tumor cells directly, by releasing perforin and granzyme or by death receptor; Second, by secreting cytokines and chemokines, it plays a role in regulating immune system cells and activating the killing effect of T cells.

How to make up immune cells?

It is found that with the increase of age, the quantity and quality of immune cells will decrease greatly, and environmental pollution and unhealthy lifestyle will also seriously affect the activity of immune cells. In view of this situation, Chinese scientists have finally realized the immune cell storage technology after long-term scientific research. Now we can completely store healthy immune cells, store them in a specific safe environment through in vitro proliferation and culture, and replenish immune cells in time when immunity declines or there is a need for disease resistance. Effectively improve the body's immunity, enhance disease resistance and maintain your own health!

That's all my answer. I hope it will help everyone. I hope it can be adopted!