When railway transport enterprises register tickets in real-name registration system, please purchase tickets with the original or photocopy of the valid identity documents of the passengers, except for children who ride for free and children who hold children's tickets.
Valid identity documents include: resident ID card, temporary id card, residence booklet, travel permit, military security card, military officer's card, armed police officer's card, soldier's card, military cadet's card, retired military cadre's card, valid passport that can be used according to regulations, Hong Kong and Macao residents' travel permit to and from the mainland, mainland travel permit for taiwan residents, mainland residents' travel permit to and from Taiwan, and foreigners' residence permit (including foreigners' permanent residence permit). There are 24 kinds of entry and exit documents for foreigners, including diplomas, consular cards, seamen's cards, foreigners' identity certificates issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, passport loss reports issued by the exit and entry administration departments of local public security organs, and temporary passenger train identity certificates issued by railway police authorities. The valid identity documents of minors over 1.5m 16 also include student ID cards.