How much sodium does a spoonful of barbecue sauce contain? ? As we all know, in order to make food taste quickly, barbecue sauce will add excessive sodium in the production process, which will make the taste very salty, but I'm afraid few people know how salty it is.
The national health department of Fu Wei Department made an investigation, and the average sodium content of 1 bottle of barbecue sauce in the market was as high as 6200mg. That is to say, when barbecuing, the brush dipped in the sauce is covered with barbecue sauce, so the result of brushing the meat back and forth is about10g, and 200 mg of sodium is added to the barbecue. After a barbecue party, a person just eats the sodium in his stomach.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare advises adults not to consume more than 2,400 milligrams of sodium per day, which is equivalent to about 6 grams of salt. Just a Mid-Autumn Festival barbecue can easily make your sodium intake exceed the table.
Excessive sodium content in barbecue sauce is harmful to health. If you take too much sodium in your diet, the most common health hazard is that your kidneys are overloaded. In addition, it is the main cause of hypertension, hypercalcemia or cardiovascular diseases. In addition, excessive use of salt may even inhibit insulin secretion in diabetic patients, which indirectly leads to insulin failure and decreased secretion, thus promoting blood sugar increase.
The high calorie of barbecue sauce can not be ignored. In addition, barbecue sauce has a high calorie,100g. About 3 tablespoons of barbecue sauce has 260 calories, which is equivalent to eating a bowl of white rice. For people who prefer the taste of barbecue sauce, it is much easier to brush. Before eating barbecue, let your calories exceed the standard.
It is worth noting that most people think that after the ingredients are put on the barbecue, they should start to brush the barbecue, which makes it easier to bake the taste. However, if the barbecue is brushed too early, the barbecue pot will be exposed to the high temperature of charcoal fire for a longer time, which will make the deteriorated sauce produce more carcinogens, which will easily stick the ingredients to the barbecue grill and increase the chance of burning.
How to reduce the amount of barbecue sauce and make barbecue healthier? Therefore, in order to reduce the consumption of barbecue tobacco, it is suggested to pickle the ingredients before barbecue. Tan Dunci, a famous health expert, once suggested that beer, fruit, onion, garlic, onion, lemon juice and virgin olive oil can be used to pickle meat, which can reduce the production of isocyclic amines in meat under warm barbecue, among which beer has the greatest benefit and can reduce 88% of isocyclic amines.
Moreover, if you really want to enjoy the cooking feeling of brushing sauce during barbecue, you can also consider making barbecue sauce in the market thinner, and then adding seasonings such as onion, ginger and garlic to enhance the taste, or making barbecue sauce according to your own taste, which is also healthier. And remember to get rid of the habit of brushing meat repeatedly when brushing meat. When the ingredients are cooked, you can brush a thin layer of sauce to avoid eating too much barbecue sauce.