Wukong asked how to make money.

Wukong Q&A is the Q&A column launched in today's headlines. You can post questions and answer other people's questions. Once the answer becomes a quality question and answer, Wukong can make money by asking questions and answers. So how does Wukong ask and answer questions to make money?

Wukong asked how to make money.

1 Select a domain to answer.

You can directly display Wukong Q&A by searching Wukong Q&A through a search engine. The presentation mechanism is to answer questions in Wukong Q&A, and then the headline will choose to recommend your answers and questions to interested users. Write a thoughtful answer, so that your answer will be read and praised by interested people, and the recommendation mechanism will feel that your answer is popular and will be pushed to more people, and the higher the income.

2 Choose questions with high reading volume to answer.

Some questions that attract a large number of people and read a lot are the answers that users need. Users can search online, sort out answers and answer them. The more users read, the higher their income will be.

It should be noted that the initial opening of Wukong Q&A is unprofitable and requires users to insist on answering high-quality questions. Only when the conditions are met, the system will automatically open it for the user. The user can see the red envelope on the page where the article is answered, and the income of the day can be seen in the personal income.