What is the CMYK color value of army green? c? %M%? Y%? K%?

CMYK color values of military green: C20%, M0%, Y20%, K40%?

Four-color printing mode is a color registration mode used in color printing. Based on the principle of mixing pigment and black ink, four colors are mixed and superimposed to form the so-called "full color printing".

Common green series CMYK values:

Black and green CMYK:C0%, M0%, Y20%, K80%

Moon Green CMYK:C20%, M0%, Y60%, K0%?

Yellow-green CMYK:C40%, M0%, Y 100%, K0%

Dark green CMYK:C20%, M0%, Y40%, K20%

Mars Green CMYK:C20%, M0%, Y60%, K20%

Military Green CMYK:C20%, M0%, Y20%, K40? %

Mint Green CMYK:C40%, M0%, Y40%, K0%?

Ghost Green CMYK:C20%, M0%, Y20%, K0%

Faded green CMYK:C20%, M0%, Y20%, K0? %

Sea green CMYK:C60%, M0%, Y20%, K20%

Cyan CMYK:C60%, M0%, Y20%, K0%

Chun Lv CMYK:C60%, M0%, Y60%, K20%.

Bright green CMYK:C60%, M0%, Y40%, K20%?

Grass green CMYK:C60%, M0%, Y40%, K40%?

Forest Green CMYK:C40%, M0%, Y20%, K60%

Extended data:

CMYK is called the three primary colors of pigments, namely cyan, magenta, yellow and black. Using the principle of subtractive color method, light first passes through the object and then refracts into our eyes. Its value is: c: 0-100% m: 0-100% y: 0-100% k: 0-100%.

Each CMYK four-color ink can use a value from 0 to 100%. The percentage of printing ink color specified for the brightest color is low, while the percentage specified for the darker color is high. For example, bright red may contain 2% cyan, 93% magenta, 90% yellow and 0% black. Just like our ink, the more colors, the darker, and the less colors, the brighter.

CMY takes white as the background color, that is, CMY is all white and 100% black (but in practice, due to problems such as ink purity, pure black cannot be obtained, so K is introduced).

In PS, CMYK mode should be used when preparing to print images with printing colors. If you start with an RGB image, you'd better edit it first and then convert it to CMYK mode. If you print the picture output in RGB mode directly, the actual color of the printed matter will be very different from the RGB preview color.


Baidu encyclopedia -CMYK