Ammonia is toxic and volatile, with the molecular formula of NH3. It is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen, the main product of synthetic ammonia industry and the by-product of coking industry, which can burn skin and eyes and do great harm to health.
Chemical properties of ammonia gas
Let's look at the chemical properties of ammonia.
Ammonia is an inorganic compound, which is gas at room temperature, colorless, pungent and easily soluble in water. When ammonia is dissolved in water, ammonia molecules combine with water molecules through hydrogen bonds to form ammonia monohydrate, and a small part of ammonia monohydrate can be ionized into ammonium ions and hydroxide ions, so ammonia water is weakly alkaline and can turn phenolphthalein solution red. Ammonia reacts with acid to obtain ammonium salt, and ammonia gas is mainly used as refrigerant and to prepare ammonium salt and nitrogen fertilizer.