The purpose is to reduce and prevent life, property, time loss and environmental damage caused by accidents through management.
OHSAS18001:1999 provides a set of risk management methods for organizations:
Through the professional investigation and evaluation of relevant laws and regulations and compliance evaluation, find out the hazards existing in the products, services, activities and working environment of enterprises.
Make an appropriate control plan for unacceptable hazards and risks.
Implement control plan, and regularly check and evaluate occupational health and safety regulations and plans.
Establish a management system including organizational structure, responsibilities, training, information communication, emergency preparedness and response, and continuously improve occupational health and safety performance.
On July 2, 2007, OHSAS 1800 1 Standard Working Group officially released the new version of OHSAS18001:2007 2007. Among them, the standard 0HSAS 1800 1 is the certification standard and the basis for organizations (enterprises) to establish occupational health and safety management systems. China has been transformed into the national standard: GB/T 28001-2001IDOHSAS18001:1999, and the occupational health and safety management system specification. The national standard "Occupational Health and Safety Management System Requirements" has been updated to GB/T28001:2011,which is equivalent to OHSAS 1800 1: 20.
The necessity and urgency of actively promoting OHSMS certification (1) The situation of safe production in China is grim.
With the rapid development of China's economy, the situation of safety in production in China is becoming more and more severe, and the total number of all kinds of casualties is relatively large, which has remained high. Especially serious accidents occur frequently, and the number of patients with occupational diseases is increasing gradually.
⑵ China has accelerated the pace of legislation on occupational safety and health, and the requirements for enterprise safety in production are becoming stricter and stricter.
China has promulgated a large number of laws and regulations on safety in production, especially the Law on Safety in Production and the Law on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases in 20001and 2002, which put forward mandatory legal requirements and standards for safety in production.
⑶ "People-oriented, paying attention to employees' health and safety" has increasingly become an important symbol and good image of modern enterprises.
To sum up, only by establishing a systematic and standardized management system, identifying hazards and controlling the whole process according to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations can organizations (enterprises) achieve continuous improvement and abide by the law.
Organization and main contents of OHSAS18001+0 standard.
OHSAS 1800 1 standard consists of 1 scope, two normative reference documents, three terms and definitions, and four elements of occupational health and safety management system.
The standard defines 17 terms, among which "hazard", "risk" and "accident" are four terms with the characteristics of 1800 1
Chapter 4 is the main content of the standard, which stipulates the requirements of occupational health and safety management system. The standard structure is exactly the same as ISO 1400 1, and also consists of five first-level elements, which are divided into 17 second-level elements, reflecting the PDCA cycle and management mode.
3. Methods and steps of establishing occupational health and safety management system.
The organization (enterprise) shall establish 0HSAS according to the requirements of OHSAS 1800 1 and the actual situation of the organization (enterprise) in accordance with the following six steps:
(1) Leadership decision-making and preparation: leadership decision-making, provision of resources, appointment of management representatives, publicity and training.
⑵ Preliminary safety review: identify and determine hazards, identify and obtain safety regulations, analyze the current situation and find out weak links.
⑶ System planning and design: formulate occupational health and safety policies, objectives and management plans; Determine the architecture, responsibilities and document framework.
⑷ Preparation of system documents: preparation of occupational health and safety management manual, relevant procedure documents and operation documents.
5. System trial operation: All departments and employees standardize activities and operations in strict accordance with system requirements.
[6] Internal audit and management review: After the system has been running for more than 2 months, internal audit and management review will be conducted to improve itself.
4. Conditions for organizations (enterprises) to obtain OHSAS 1800 1 certification.
⑴ Establish a documented occupational health and safety management system according to OHSAS 1800 1 standard.
⑵ The system has been running for more than 3 months, covering all the elements of the standard 17.
(3) Abide by applicable safety laws and regulations, and the accident rate is lower than the average level of the same industry;
Approved by the third party of the certification body authorized by CNCA.
4. General requirements of1
The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continuously improve the occupational health and safety system. Manage the system, document it and determine how to meet these requirements.
The organization shall determine its occupational health and safety standards; The scope covered by the management system is documented.
2 occupational safety and health policy 1: `6o!
The top management shall determine and approve the occupational health and safety of the organization; Policy, and make sure to make up your mind &; Within the scope of S management, this policy:
A) suitable for organizing oh &;; The nature and scale of the risk;
B) Including the prevention of injuries and diseases and the continuous improvement of occupational health and safety; S management and oh &;; Performance commitment; +
C) At least meet the standards related to occupational health and safety; Applicable occupational health and related hazards; Commitment to regulations and other requirements;
D) Provide the establishment and review of occupational health and safety; S policy framework;
E) Document preparation, implementation and maintenance;
F) Communicate with all personnel working under the control of the organization to make them aware of their respective occupational health and safety; Obligation;
G) for use by interested parties;
H) Conduct regular review to ensure its relevance and suitability to the organization.
Step 3 plan
3. 1 Determination of hazard identification, risk assessment and control measures The organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures for continuous hazard identification, risk assessment and determination of necessary control measures.
Hazard identification and risk assessment procedures should consider:
Conventional and unconventional activities;
B) Activities of all personnel (including contractors and visitors) entering the workplace;
C) human behavior, ability and other human factors;
D) Identified hazards, which originate from outside the workplace but have harmful effects on the health and safety of personnel under the control of the organization in the workplace;
E) Hazards caused by work-related activities controlled by the organization near the workplace;
Note 1: It may be more appropriate to evaluate such hazards as environmental factors.
F) Infrastructure, equipment and materials in the workplace, whether provided by the organization or externally;
G) Changes in organization, activities, materials or plans;
h)oh &; Modification of management system, including temporary changes and their impact on operation, process and activities;
I) applicable legal liabilities related to risk assessment and implementation of necessary control measures (please also refer to the notes in 3. 12);
J) Design of work area, process, installation, machinery/equipment, operating procedures and work organization, including the ability to adapt them to people.
The organization's hazard identification and risk assessment methods shall:
A) Determine according to its scope, characteristics and time schedule to ensure that the method is active rather than passive;
B) Provide risk identification, control priority and documents; Provide the application of control measures when appropriate;
For change management, the organization should introduce the organization, oh&; ■ Identify the occupational health and safety related to the change before the change of the management system or its activities; ■ Danger and Oh&; The risk.
The organization shall ensure that the results of these assessments are taken into account when determining control measures.
When determining control measures or considering changing existing control measures, risk reduction should be considered in the following order:
A) eliminate;
B) substitution;
C) engineering control;
D) Identification/warning and/or administrative control;
E) personal protective equipment.
The organization shall document the results of hazard identification, risk assessment and determined control measures and keep them updated.
The organization shall ensure its occupational health and safety management system; Risks and identified control measures.
Note 2: Have a deeper understanding of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control measures.
3.2 Legal and other requirements
The organization shall establish and maintain one or more procedures to identify and obtain laws and regulations applicable to the organization and other occupational health and safety. Requirements.
Organizations should ensure their occupational health and safety: when managing the system, consider the applicable legal requirements and other requirements that these organizations should abide by.
Organizations should keep this information up-to-date.
The organization shall convey the relevant information of laws, regulations and other requirements to the personnel working under its control and other interested parties.
3.3 objectives and plans:
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a documented occupational health and safety system. The goal.
When feasible, the target should be measurable and consistent with OH&; Our policy is consistent, including the commitment to prevent injuries and diseases, the commitment to abide by applicable laws, regulations and other requirements that organizations should abide by, and the commitment to continuous improvement.
When establishing and evaluating the objectives, the organization shall consider the applicable legal requirements and other requirements that the organization should abide by as well as its own occupational health and safety requirements. The risk. The organization should also consider alternative technical solutions, financial, operational and business requirements, and opinions of interested parties. The organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures to achieve its objectives. The plan shall at least include:
A) Responsibilities and authorities stipulated by relevant functions and levels of the organization for achieving the objectives;
B) Methods and timetable for achieving the objectives.
The plan should be reviewed regularly and adjusted when necessary to ensure that the objectives are achieved.
4. Implementation and operation
4. 1 Resources, roles, responsibilities, responsibilities and authorities
Senior management should deal with oh &;; S and oh &;; The management system is fundamentally responsible.
Top management should demonstrate its commitment in the following ways:
A) Ensure the establishment, implementation, maintenance and improvement of occupational health and safety; Resources required by the management system;
Note 1: Resources include human resources and expertise, infrastructure, technology and financial resources of the organization.
B) Determine roles, assign responsibilities and responsibilities, and authorize the promotion of effective occupational health and safety; Management. Roles, responsibilities, responsibilities and authorities shall be recorded and communicated.
The organization shall designate a top manager to be responsible for specific occupational health and safety work. Regardless of other responsibilities, the member shall have the following roles and permissions:
A) ensure oh &;; Establish, implement and maintain management system according to OHSAS standards;
B) ensure oh &;; The performance report of S management system is submitted to the top management for review, which is regarded as OH &;; Improve the foundation of management system; A7 ^+ H A(@%
Note 2: Persons appointed by the top management (for example, members of the board of directors or the executive committee in a large organization) may appoint some positions to the management representatives under them, but still retain their responsibilities.
The identity of the personnel appointed by the top management shall be disclosed to all personnel working under the control of the organization.
All personnel with management responsibilities should prove their continuous improvement of occupational health and safety; Performance commitment.
The organization shall ensure that the personnel in the workplace are responsible for occupational health and safety; S factors, including compliance with the applicable occupational health and safety standards of the organization; Requirements.
4.2 Ability, training and awareness
The organization shall ensure that the implementation under its control may affect occupational health and safety. Anyone who works in S has the ability, and the ability should be based on appropriate education, training or experience; The organization shall keep relevant records.
The organization shall identify its occupational health and safety risks and occupational health and safety risks. Training needs related to S management system. The organization shall provide training or take other measures to meet these needs, evaluate the effectiveness of training or measures taken, and keep relevant records.
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures to make people working under the control of the organization aware of:
A) Actual or potential occupational health and safety caused by their work activities and behaviors; The consequences, oh&the promotion of personal performance; The benefits.
B) in order to comply with the OH&; Policies and procedures and oh&; Management system requirements, including emergency preparedness and response requirements, their roles and responsibilities;
C) Potential consequences of deviation from the prescribed procedures.
Training procedures should consider different levels:
A) Responsibility, ability, language ability and education level; and
B) risk.
4.3 Communication, participation and consultation
4.3. 1 Communication
For oh &;; ■ Danger and Oh&; Management system, the organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures to:
A) Internal communication among all levels and functions within the organization;
B) Communicate with contractors and other visitors in the workplace;
C) Receiving, recording and replying relevant information from external interested parties.
4.3.2 Participation and consultation
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures to:
A) Employees participate in the following matters:
-Appropriate participation in hazard identification, risk assessment and determination of control measures;
-Appropriate participation in incident investigation;
-participate in oh &;; Formulate and review policies and objectives;
-Talk it over. Oh&; Any change in s; :
-There are representatives to manage it&; The transaction.
Employees should be informed of the arrangements for participation, including who they are. S affairs representative.
B) Negotiate with the contractor about occupational health and safety; Any change in s.
When appropriate, the organization shall ensure consultation with external parties on occupational health and safety; The problem.
4.4 documents
Management system documents shall include. A) Oh&; The principles and objectives;
Oh& description of the scope of the management system;
C) for oh &;; The main elements of the management system and their interrelationships, as well as the description of relevant documents;
D) Documents required by this OHSAS standard, including records; and
E) The organization is responsible for ensuring the protection of occupational health and safety documents (including records) required for effective planning, operation and control of risk management-related processes.
Note: It is important that the documents should be adapted to the complexity, danger and risk involved, and kept to a minimum under the premise of ensuring effectiveness and efficiency.
4.5 Document control
Handle the documents required by the occupational health and safety management system and this standard. Records are special documents and should be controlled according to the requirements of 4.5.4.
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures to:
A) Obtain approval before the document is issued to ensure its suitability;
B) Review the document, modify it if necessary, and approve it again;
C) Ensure that document changes and current revision status are identified;
D) Ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents can be obtained at the place of use;
E) Ensure that the documents are clear and easy to identify;
F) Ensure the planning and implementation of occupational health and safety; External documents required by the management system are identified and their distribution is controlled.
G) prevent the misuse of invalid documents. If invalid files are retained for any reason, these files should be properly identified.
4.6 Operation control!
The organization shall determine the operations and activities related to the identified hazards that need to be controlled in order to manage occupational health and safety; The risk.
This should include change management (see 4.3. 1).
The organization shall implement and maintain these operations and activities.
A) suitable for the operation control of the organization and its activities; The organization should incorporate these operational controls into its overall occupational health and safety system. Management system;
B) Control of purchasing goods, equipment and services;
C) Controlling contractors and visitors in the workplace;
D) Documented procedures covering possible deviations of occupational health and safety; The principles and objectives;
E) Deviate from OH&; The guidelines and objectives of.
4.7 emergency preparedness and response;
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures:
A) determine the possible state of emergency;
B) respond to this emergency.
The organization shall respond to the actual emergency to prevent or mitigate the related harmful occupational health and safety; The consequences.
When planning emergency response, the organization should consider the needs of interested parties, such as emergency service agencies and neighbors.
If feasible, the organization should also regularly test its emergency response procedures and include relevant parties as appropriate.
The organization shall regularly review its emergency preparedness and response procedures and revise them when necessary, especially after regular tests and emergencies.
4.5 inspection
4.5. 1 Performance measurement and monitoring
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures to regularly monitor and measure occupational health and safety. The performance of. These procedures should provide:.
A) Qualitative and quantitative measurement suitable for organizational needs;
B) Give it to the organization. Monitoring the degree of goal realization;
C) Monitoring the effectiveness of control measures (health and safety);
D) Proactive performance measurement to monitor the compliance of occupational health and safety; Scheme, control measures and operating guidelines;
E) Passive performance measurement for monitoring diseases and events (including accidents and false alarm events). ) And it's not good &; Other historical evidence of S$ M performance;
F) Record sufficient monitoring and measurement data and results so as to analyze subsequent corrective and preventive measures.
When performance measurement and monitoring require monitoring equipment, the organization shall establish and maintain procedures for inspecting and maintaining these equipment. Records of verification and maintenance activities and results shall be kept.
4.5.2 Compliance assessment
5.2. 1 In order to be consistent with the commitment to comply with laws and regulations (see 4.2c), the organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures%.
Regularly evaluate compliance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations (see 4.3.2).
The organization shall keep records of the results of regular evaluation.
Note: The frequency of periodic evaluation varies with different laws and regulations.
The Organization shall evaluate the compliance of other applicable requirements (see 4.3.2), which can be combined with the regulatory compliance evaluation in 4.5.2. 1 above, or a separate procedure can be established for this purpose.
The organization shall keep records of the results of regular evaluation. ;
Note: The frequency of periodic evaluation varies with other requirements that the organization should comply with.
4.5.3 Incident investigation, nonconformity, corrective measures and preventive measures
4.5.3. 1 incident investigation
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures for recording, investigating and analyzing accidents in order to:
A) Determine the potential OH & that may cause or trigger the event; Defects and other factors.
B) Identify the need to take corrective measures;
C) Identify opportunities to take preventive measures;
D) identify opportunities for continuous improvement;
E) communicate the survey results.
The investigation should be carried out in time.
Any identified need for corrective action or opportunity for preventive action shall be handled according to relevant parts of
The results of accident investigation shall be recorded and kept.
Non-conformance, Corrective Measures and Preventive Measures in
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures to deal with actual and potential nonconformities and take corrective and preventive measures. The procedure shall specify the following relevant requirements:
A) Identify and correct nonconformities and take measures to reduce their occupational health and safety level; The consequences; )
B) Investigate the unqualified products, determine their causes, and take measures to avoid their recurrence;
C) Evaluate the demand for measures to prevent nonconformity and take appropriate measures to avoid nonconformity;
D) record and communicate the results of corrective and preventive measures taken.
E) Review the effectiveness of the corrective and preventive measures taken.
When corrective measures or preventive measures identify new or changing risks or new or changing control measures, procedures should require risk assessment of planned measures before implementation.
Any corrective or preventive measures to eliminate the root causes of actual or potential nonconformities should be related to the seriousness of the problem and the accompanying OH&. Risk adaptation.
The organization shall ensure the completion of corrective and preventive measures for occupational health and safety; Any necessary changes to the management system documents.
4.5.4 Record control 5 d' P
The organization shall establish and maintain appropriate records to prove its commitment to occupational health and safety; S management system meets the requirements of this OHSAS standard, and the results obtained.
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures to identify, store, protect, retrieve, preserve and dispose of records.
Records shall be legible, clearly marked and traceable.
4.5.5 Internal Audit
The organization shall ensure that OH &;; The internal audit of the management system shall be conducted at planned intervals to:
A) determine the oh &;; S management system
1) conforms to the OH &;; ; Management plan, including the requirements of this OHSAS standard, and
2) Be properly implemented and maintained, and
3) Effectively meet the organization's policies and objectives.
B) Submit the information of audit results to the management.
The organization shall plan, establish, implement and maintain one or more audit schemes, and shall consider the results of the organizational activity risk assessment of the activities involved and the results of previous audits.
Audit procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained to explain
A) Responsibilities, abilities and requirements for planning and implementing audits, reporting results and keeping relevant records;
B) Determine the audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods.
The selection of auditors and the implementation of audit should ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the audit process.
6. Management review
The top management shall report the occupational health and safety of the organization at the specified time intervals; Review the management system of the company to ensure the continuous applicability, adequacy and effectiveness of the system. The review shall include the evaluation of improvement opportunities and the evaluation of opportunities including occupational health and safety; S policy and oh &;; Oh&; Management system change requirements. Records of management review shall be kept.
The input of management review shall include:
(a) The results of internal audit, as well as the results of compliance evaluation of applicable laws, regulations and other requirements that the organization should abide by;
(b) outcome of participation and consultation
(c) Relevant communication information with external interested parties, including complaints;
Oh&of this organization; Performance;
(e) The extent to which the goals and targets have been achieved;
(f) The status of accident investigation, corrective measures and preventive measures;
(g) Follow-up measures to previous management reviews;
(h) Changes in circumstances, including conflicts with their occupational health and safety; Formulation of relevant laws, regulations and other requirements;
(i) Suggestions for improvement;
The output of management review shall be consistent with the commitment of continuous improvement of the organization, and shall include any decisions and measures that may be revised on the following matters:
Oh&'s performance
Oh & s policies and objectives
C) resources,
Oh & other elements of the management system.
The relevant output of management review should be available for communication and negotiation.