What can the sitting posture reflect?

The forward flexion of sitting posture can reflect people's flexibility.

Sit-ups are an item of physical health test in universities, middle schools and primary schools. Its purpose is to measure the possible range of motion of trunk, waist, buttocks and other joints at rest.

Flexibility is a special term in dance, which refers to the range of motion of human joints and the stretching ability of soft tissues such as muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Set the background

In order to encourage and promote students to take an active part in physical exercise and enhance their physical fitness, in 2002, China tried out the Standards for Students' Physical Fitness and Health. The forward flexion of sitting body belongs to one of the test contents specified in this standard. According to the results of the national survey on students' physical health in 2005, the Ministry of Education and the State Sports General Administration have improved and revised the Standards for Students' Physical Health. ? [ 1]?

Pre-sitting is one of the selected items in the senior high school entrance examination in China.

In the past, when investigating students' physical health, the flexibility was generally tested by standing forward. During the standing flexion test, the subject stands on the test platform at least 40 cm above the ground, and many factors such as fear and subconscious self-protection limit the ability of the subject.

When the human body stands with the knee joint straight 180 degrees and the trunk bent forward 180 degrees, the muscles of the lower leg, thigh and the back group of trunk must maintain a certain tension to keep the center of gravity of the body on the supporting surface of the two feet, thus limiting the extension of the arms and trunk. In developed countries, sitting buckling is widely used to evaluate flexibility.

The national physical fitness monitoring system also uses the sitting flexion test in the flexibility monitoring of children, adults and the elderly. From the aspects of safety, accuracy, authenticity, integration with national physical fitness monitoring and comparison at home and abroad, sitting posture is better than standing posture.