1 urine routine 10 (PROtein (pro), glucose (Glu), BILirubin (bil), UROgen (uro), KETone (ket), NITrite (nit), LEU, urine specific gravity (SG), urine pH (pH), urine and kidney.
Check for biliary obstruction, stones and other diseases)
Routine stool and occult blood (character, color, red blood cells, white blood cells, laboratory tests, eggs) are mainly used to check the functional state of the digestive system and find gastrointestinal diseases such as gastrointestinal inflammation, dyspepsia, tumors and ulcers at an early stage; Indirect judgment of other system diseases; Find out if there are parasites in the digestive tract. )
3 blood sugar (fasting blood sugar with or without diabetes and hypoglycemia; The most basic method of screening diabetes. )
4 uric acid (fasting uric acid mainly checks for diabetes, nephritis, lead poisoning, hyperthyroidism and other uric acid will be high. )
Whether HbsAg is a carrier of hepatitis B virus. )
6B ultrasound (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and kidney) showed early non-occupying diseases, chronic hepatobiliary diseases, hemangioma, pancreatic diseases and abdominal organ tumors. Fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, hepatolithiasis and other diseases. )
These are for reference only, I hope they can help you.