Sit-ups are compulsory items for college girls in the National Physical Fitness and Health Test Regulations, and their purpose is to test students' abdominal muscle endurance. Because the test method is simple and easy to standardize, it has played a certain role from the beginning of the project setting to the present, providing students with opportunities for exercise.
The disadvantages of sit-ups are reflected in the following aspects:
First, the participation of abdominal muscles in sit-ups is not high due to the curvature of the spine.
Secondly, in the process of sit-ups, the gluteal flexor and iliopsoas muscles participate in exerting force, and the stimulation depth to abdominal muscles is not enough, which leads to compensation.
Thirdly, because the hands are required to cross behind the head in the test method, students will not exert themselves in practice, resulting in excessive neck pressure and even physical injury.
Fourthly, due to the existence of the first three shortcomings of sit-ups, the method of training abdominal muscles by sit-ups is doomed to be inefficient and unscientific.