At present, the occupational characteristics of health managers do not include

This is a multiple choice question. In this question, the correct answer is D. At present, the professional characteristics of health managers do not include which of the following (D) A. Providers of health information B. Promoters of health promotion C. Workers with knowledge and skills D. National formal academic education.

The occupation of a health manager has the following four occupational characteristics:

1) health information provider: a certain medical and health background is required; Medical personnel are required to have the same professional ethics as public health personnel, and strictly abide by medical and public health ethics in their work;

2) Health promoters: good interpersonal and communication skills and community mobilization, organization and coordination skills;

3) Knowledge and skill workers: they belong to the mental labor profession;

4) Special occupations in the health industry: the health professional skill appraisal department is responsible for management and planning.