Manufacturing principle: When the current passes through the series circuit, there is only one path for the current, and the current passing through one lamp must pass through another lamp, so the small lamps will light up at the same time.
A. prepare materials.
B, stick the double-sided adhesive tape on two sticks and stick it on the base.
Connect the bulbs in series with screws. ?
Install the battery box and switch with screws.
E. Connect the wires on the battery box.
2. Rubber band gun making tutorial.
A, the gun body is two pairs of disposable chopsticks. The trigger and the grip are separated and tied together with a rubber band.
B, the gap at the "barrel" is used to hook the bullet rubber band.
C, now put the first bullet, hang the back end of the red rubber band on the bolt, and naturally hang the front end on the gap at the front end of the barrel.
D, the key is to look at the second rubber band. The second rubber band is not a bullet, but a green rubber band to distinguish it. Place the green rubber band on the front end of the bolt and stretch it backward out of the handle.
E. hang the vertical chopsticks that bypass the rear end of the handle on the chopsticks with the inclined front end.
F, and then on the second bullet, there is a red rubber band.
G, put on the second green rubber band and reload it repeatedly. In this way, the purpose of continuous shooting with rubber band gun is achieved.