Who put forward the appointment registration for discovering the road to health?

As an important basic medical measure to benefit the people after medical reform, the appointment registration of Health Road plays an important role in building a harmonious society today. As we all know, before the medical reform was carried out and introduced in China, it was impossible for friends of hospital patients in many places to register easily in hospitals. However, since 2007, with the improvement of the national medical system, government departments have gradually introduced a series of medical reform programs, including other measures, to solve the social ills of expensive and difficult medical treatment for ordinary people.

The introduction of appointment registration on the health road has cured many problems caused by the imperfect medical system in the past, and some phenomena of making money for others by registration have been improved. At the same time, many medical institutions have responded to the call of the state and launched many convenience policies in time. Such as online registration, telephone reservation, SMS platform reservation, etc. Many patients can also get consultation from medical experts without leaving home. In order to make better use of social platforms, some large medical institutions have also adopted the way of cooperation with communication providers, and patients can also make appointments in advance through specific numbers, thus effectively implementing this convenience policy. It has made great contributions to ensuring people's health.

With the improvement of the national medical system, we believe that this policy related to the national economy and people's livelihood will continue to develop and there will be more measures to meet people's needs. As the master of the country, we should also actively make suggestions and further improve the development of the future health road appointment registration policy. Strive to build our harmonious home.