Herpes zoster is an acute infectious disease caused by reactivation of varicella-zoster virus lurking in human body. Herpes is composed of dense blisters, which generally occur on one side of the body and are distributed in strips along the innervation area, accompanied by nerve pain. The older you get, the more serious the neuropathic symptoms of herpes zoster are. It is a high-incidence disease that threatens the health of the elderly and affects the quality of life.
Causes of herpes zoster
The pathogen that causes herpes zoster is varicella-zoster virus. People will get chicken pox after being infected with this virus for the first time. After the chicken pox is cured, the human body cannot completely remove the virus, and the virus invades the ganglion along the sensory nerve and lurks. After vaccination or infection with chickenpox, you will basically not get chickenpox again. However, varicella-zoster virus has long been lurking in the spinal ganglion or cranial sensory ganglion. When the immune function of human body decreases, the latent virus is activated again, copied in large quantities and spread to the dominant skin area along the sensory nerve fibers, so herpes zoster occurs.
Transmission route of herpes zoster virus
The main route of virus transmission is direct contact with herpes fluid of patients with herpes zoster, which is contagious. Patients with herpes zoster who have had close contact with infants, pregnant women and immunocompromised people, as well as those who have never had chickenpox or been vaccinated with chickenpox, may be infected.
Harmful symptoms
Typical symptoms include blisters on one side of the body, causing a rash, burning sensation, electric shock and tingling. During the onset, patients will have various symptoms of discomfort, especially nerve pain, which makes people insomnia. Acute pain may be more serious than childbirth pain, spinal injury, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic cancer pain.
Herpes zoster complications
1, the pain lasting 1 month or more after the healing of herpes zoster rash is post-herpetic neuralgia, which is the most common complication of herpes zoster;
2. It may hurt eyes and lead to blindness;
3. It may lead to facial paralysis;
4, causing viral encephalitis and meningitis.
Preventive method
For herpes zoster, preventive treatment. The most effective way to avoid this disease is to vaccinate against herpes zoster.
Now the savior of herpes zoster-herpes zoster vaccine is coming! Vaccination can prevent the occurrence of herpes zoster, reduce the incidence of neuralgia after herpes zoster and shorten the course of herpes zoster.
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