Catnip is a plant with aroma and volatile components, which is usually used to make cat toys and snacks to attract the attention of cats. The taste and smell of catnip are very attractive to most cats, but some cats disdain it or even avoid it.
2. The behavior of catnip and cat
Some cats will chase catnip, bite it and even indulge in its fragrance. However, some cats are indifferent to catnip and even avoid it. This may be related to the cat's personality. Some cats naturally like novelty, while others like quiet and stable environment.
In addition, catnip may also cause excessive excitement and discomfort in cats, manifested as fidgeting and abnormal behavior. These behaviors may be related to the ingredients in catnip, and some ingredients may stimulate the nerves of cats and lead to abnormal behaviors.
3. Cats' preference for catnip is influenced by age, sex and breed.
It is found that cats' preference for catnip may be related to age, sex and breed. For example, young cats are more interested in catnip, while older cats are unlikely to react strongly to catnip.
In addition, male cats seem to be more attracted to catnip, while female cats have a relatively weak response to catnip. Different breeds of cats have different reactions to catnip, for example, Siamese cats have relatively weak reactions to catnip.
4. The use principle of catnip
Catnip is safe for most cats, but for the safety and health of cats, some usage principles need to be observed. For example, excessive use of catnip is not advisable. For cats, excessive stimulation may lead to negative effects. In addition, attention should be paid to the storage and use of catnip to avoid long-term exposure to the air.