It is also suggested that after washing in the morning and evening, stand facing west, cross your hands and recite' There is no Guanyin Bodhisattva in the south and no Amitabha in the south' for ten times. You can also see more when you are free! Seek good fortune and avoid evil! Sincerely, persistence works wonders!
When you are in a hurry, you are informal, convenient, sincere, and eager to name the above, with fruitful results!
It is the heart that makes the Buddha, and the heart is the Buddha.
Boucher wealth!
Eating meat will make you sick, and killing is short-lived! Let go of life! Vegetarian, healthy, not in debt!
For thousands of years, the grievances in the bowl are as deep as the sea.
If you want to know the world, you should listen to the midnight sound of butchering men.
Good results come from good deeds!
A bad cause leads to a bad result!
Worship Buddha, sin will destroy constant sand.
Say a word to the Buddha and you will be blessed!
I wish you good luck and complete happiness at six o'clock!
There is no amitabha in the south!
There is no sound in the south and no sound in the south.