What's the number of 9559 1?

9559 1 is the customer service number of China People's Health Insurance.

China People's Health Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "PICC China") officially opened on April 8, 2005. It is the first professional health insurance company in China approved by the State Council and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (formerly China Insurance Regulatory Commission).

China PICC Health was founded by People's Insurance Company of China, a fortune 500 company, and German Health Insurance Company (DKV), the largest health insurance company in Europe. It is a professional health insurance company with the strongest capital strength in China.

Business scope of the company:

1. Health insurance business supported by the national medical insurance policy and entrusted by the government.

2. Various RMB and foreign currency health insurance businesses and accident insurance businesses.

3. Consulting services and agency services related to health insurance.

4. Reinsurance business related to health insurance.

5, the state laws and regulations allow the use of funds business.

6. Other businesses approved by China CIRC.

China People's Health Insurance Co., Ltd.-Company Profile