Now most people are upside down, so what is the globally recognized healthy schedule?

Now most people are upside down, so what is the globally recognized healthy schedule? Proper sleep is the pillar of our whole day. It is also an important part of our physical strength. There have been long-term and proven experiments to make a healthy schedule before. Later, it was tested in many countries, and it was finally considered as the healthiest timetable in the world.

Seven o'clock is the best time to get up. Your body is ready. Turn on the light, tell every part of the body, wake up from sleep as soon as possible and adjust your biological clock. You need a cup of warm water when you wake up. Water is a necessary condition for thousands of chemical reactions in the human body, which helps to rejuvenate every dehydrated cell.

Your immune system is weakest in the morning, so walking to work is not strenuous exercise, but a healthy and relaxing choice. The brain is sharpest in the morning and should be used for the most difficult tasks. Make full use of your brain in the morning by dealing with difficult tasks at work and summarizing complicated reports. I hope that if time permits, I can try according to the above timetable, but if the time conflicts, I can also adjust the timetable according to my own situation. By the way, you can verify whether it really works.

10:30 eyes need to rest. Look out the window. My eyes are tired. I need to have a rest. 1 1:00 Have some fruit. Eating fruit in the morning is golden yellow, and the nutrition of fruit can be fully absorbed by the body. 13:00- 14:00 take a nap and take a 30-minute lunch break to keep you energetic and, more importantly, stay healthy. People who work in the morning should eat some fruit. Morning is the best time to eat fruit in a day, because the body is best suited to absorb the nutrition in fruit. It can also supplement the blood sugar that our retarded brain badly needs. From 4 o'clock to 7 o'clock, the body and spirit are at the peak of the day, and it is time to do detailed and intensive work. Before you go home, take 10 minutes to sum up your day: what great ideas you have gained, what experiences you have gained, what new tools you have learned, and what ideas you have verified.