What eco-friendly factories are there in Zhuhai?

The factories suitable for this major are as follows:

1. According to Tianyan's inquiry, Zhuhai Bai Shitong Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is one of the key technical service platforms for biomedical research and development built by the Jinwan District Government of Zhuhai. Located in Zhuhai International Health Port, it is committed to providing high-quality experimental animal products and personalized animal experimental services for the life sciences and pharmaceutical industries. College or undergraduate degree or fresh graduates, people in medicine, pharmacy and biology are required.

2. Zhuhai Kangyida Animal Life Science Research Institute is located near Zhuhai Kangyida Tortoise Hospital in Sanzao Town, Jinwan District, Zhuhai City. Carry out scientific experiments on ecological health breeding of turtles, shrimps, crabs, sea cucumbers, livestock and poultry, prevention and treatment of nutritional diseases and related animal life sciences. Bachelor degree or above in animal husbandry and veterinary major, male or female.