What about the surrounding facilities of Yuefu Community in Chaohu City?

Address of Urban Yuefu Community: Northwest corner of intersection of Jiankang Road and Xiangyang Road, Chaohu City.

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM include (Environmental Protection Bureau, human resources market, Phoenix Hospital, city scenery, Chaohu Middle Road, Weidun New Village, Junzhuan Reception Station, Dong Tang Community, Hefei Eighth Hospital, Xiangyang Road Vegetable Market) and so on.

Educational resources within 2km 10 (Silent Education, Red Shoes Art School (Third Branch), Qihang Culture and Art Training Center, Meav Children's Dance School (Second Street General School), Tianrun Accounting Training, Sheng Di Education, Founding China Vocational School, Ebbinghaus Intelligent Education, Zhonggong Education (Chaohu Branch) and Tuhua Education (Chaohu Branch)).

There are seven medical resources around 2KM, among which, Phoenix Hospital of Chaohu is 355m away from the community, People's Hospital of Chaohu is 670m away from the community, Kangping Maternity Hospital of Chaohu is 9 10/0m away from the community, Huimin Hospital of Chaohu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is 01665m away from the community, Hefei No.8 Hospital (West Hospital) is 0/869m away from the community, and Chaohu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

The commercial facilities around the city Yuefu are: (Xindu Tea Shop, Amway Jinfeiyu Experience Hall, Huayan Qiao Yu Floriculture Life Museum, Qishan Guazi (Ear Street Store), Chaohu Ear Street, Aurora International Shopping, Hang Seng Sunshine City Shopping Plaza, Jifeng Fruit (Xiangyang Road Store), Sishu Supermarket (Tianyi Store) and Nest Sanzhen (No.002 flagship store)).

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