Importance of waist-hip ratio exercise for college students

Health knowledge waist-hip ratio

Waist-hip ratio = waist circumference+hip circumference (WH) is an important index to judge central obesity and predict obesity in early research.

Waist-hip ratio measurement

Waist circumference: straighten up and exhale, and measure the thinnest circle of the waist above the navel with a tape measure. Hip circumference: stand up straight and measure the most prominent place under the hip bone with a tape measure. Reminder: the measurement scale should be horizontal, not up and down, and there will be errors in manual measurement. ※.

Ideal waist-hip ratio

The ideal waist-hip ratio for women is between 0.67 and 0.80, and the appropriate waist-hip ratio is 0.72. When the waist-hip ratio of women is less than 0.72, the figure will be close to pear shape; When the waist-hip ratio exceeds 0.72, it may develop into an apple-shaped figure.

The ideal waist-hip ratio for men is between 0.85 and 0.95.

Risk of exceeding waist-hip ratio

Too high waist-hip ratio will not only affect the appearance, but also affect the physical and mental health. For example, an increase in the waist-hip ratio may lead to an increase in the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It also affects fertility and physical attractiveness, which is more important than body mass index or simple waist circumference.

To sum up, it is recommended to keep the waist-hip ratio within the standard range, whether for good figure or health. To reduce the fat around the waist, you can't just do waist and abdomen training. The proposal includes the whole core, including hip training.