How to check breasts to see health?

Q: ● Auxiliary examination: A: When you feel safe, you can take off all your shirts and stand in front of the mirror, put your hands at your sides, and then raise your hands above your head to see what has happened to the shape (not the size) of each breast and the skin surface. What's the change in nipples? Then, put your hands on your hips and press hard to tighten your chest muscles. It doesn't matter that the left and right breasts may be different. In fact, few people have the same breasts on both sides. If you find the following changes in your breasts, you should see a doctor. 1. One breast is flat or swollen, while the other one is not; 2. The skin is wrinkled; 3. Gently squeeze the nipple, and one nipple has secretions; 4. One nipple is red or has a scaly shell; 5. One nipple is harder than the other. You can also lie in bed, recliner or bathtub for inspection. When examining the right breast, put a small pillow or cushion under the right shoulder and put your right hand under your head. In this way, the distribution of breast tissue in the chest is more uniform. Place the index finger, middle finger and ring finger of the left hand flat on the breast, and gently touch and press the palm or fingertip parallel to the breast skin. You can imagine that your breast is a clock, and then your left hand moves in a circle in the direction of the clock. Your left hand can touch the outermost 12 point of the clock, then move to the position of 1 point, and then go around 12 point. It is normal to feel a long, narrow and hard bulge in the lower arc of each breast. Then move to the direction close to the nipple and continue to check every part of the breast in the circumferential direction, including the nipple. Check at least three times. In order to ensure that the whole breast is examined, attention should be paid to the place between the nipple and the armpit, because most tumors are located in this place. Then, check the left breast in the same way. Finally, gently squeeze the nipples on both sides with your thumb and forefinger. If you find a lump that does not disappear after one week, and there are obvious or bloody secretions, you should go to the hospital immediately for examination. First of all, you should have a breast examination every few days, so that you can know how your breasts feel at different times of the month. Check it at the same time every month. A few days after the end of menstruation is better, because the breasts will not be too full at that time. Secretions Sometimes, you will notice that your nipples will discharge some secretions. This phenomenon is normal, because the body keeps the mammary duct unobstructed in a natural way. The secretion may be very thin milk, transparent, green, gray or yellow. You may produce this secretion at some point during sexual arousal or menstrual cycle, and so do women who take birth control pills. What you need to do is always wash your breasts with warm water and soap to keep them clean. In this way, secretions will not accumulate and dry on the nipple. If the nipple discharge has pus or brown color, it means that your breast has inflammation and you should see a doctor immediately. Infection If you have an infection in or around your breast, you may feel very painful, and you can also see that the surface of your breast is red and swollen. You should see a doctor at once. Sometimes, if the mammary duct is blocked and the milk is not completely discharged, the breast will become inflamed. Breast-feeding mothers often do this.