How to lose weight quickly?

First, the three principles of the one-week fast weight loss method

1, without reducing food intake, reducing calorie intake.

2. An empty stomach will keep the oppressive feeling going.

3, make defecation smooth

Second, five ways to lose weight in a week.

No matter how many kilograms you want to lose in a short time, you must avoid it as long as it is harmful to your health and destroys the balance in your body. Here are five practical methods.

Method 1: replace rice with porridge, and reduce the calories by half.

In this week, replacing rice with porridge is also the weight of a bowl. The calorie of porridge is much lower than that of rice. Rich water can make you feel full, control your appetite and prevent and improve overeating.

In addition, seaweed ingredients such as kelp and Sargassum fusiforme can be added to cook porridge, which is rich in dietary fiber, promotes detoxification and slows down the absorption of fat and sugar by the human body.

Method 2: Add seaweed ingredients when eating vegetable salad.

Although salads are rich in enzymes and dietary fiber, potato salads and macaroni have a lot of mayonnaise in Saraga, which will be high in calories. Therefore, it is generally best to choose fruit and vegetable salad, add seaweed food, activate intestinal peristalsis, improve constipation, lose weight and eat safely and healthily.