Is there a virus in the stool? Do I need to be vaccinated?

Classification: medical and health care

Problem description:

On a rainy day, I accidentally stepped on a bubble of shit, and my shoes and uppers were a little soaked, my socks were wet, and there was a fresh tear mark on my feet. If that shit is pulled out by a dog with poison or rabies, will the virus penetrate from my wet soles and then spread to my wound through wet socks? Is it necessary for me to get vaccinated?


Landlord, you won't be infected with rabies virus. Dog feces do not contain rabies virus.

Rabies virus exists in dog saliva and nerve tissue. It mainly spreads in the following three ways:

1. Infected by being bitten or scratched by dogs or other animals or licking mucous membranes. Rabies virus invades nerves through wounds and mucous membranes. This is the main mode of infection.

2. Inadvertently stabbing hand infection during slaughter or peeling. According to statistics, among 86 cases of rabies, 78 people were bitten and 8 people were infected by slaughtering dogs.

3. Infection through the digestive tract. Animals that died of rabies were buried underground, frozen in winter, pulled out by wild dogs or other animals, ate meat and became infected with rabies.