Yu Xi eats bitter bamboo shoots, and as many as ten people remonstrate. He plays with bitter bamboo shoots. Its word says: bitter bamboo shoots are bitter, and the two rivers are the crown, sweet and crisp, small and bitter, but delicious, moist and dense, full of spit without hurting people. Covered with bitterness and taste, such as advice can settle down; More is harmless, such as cultivating a scholar and getting good. It is the elegance of Zhong Jiangshan, so it can shelter from the wind and smoke in the deep rain and dew, clear the way for food, and make drinkers salivate. It is the same year as Guimei's dream of Mercury. Shu people say: bitter bamboo shoots are inedible, and moving food makes people wither and barren. Give or not. It is self-evident that the world will not talk about it; When a sergeant enters, he believes, and when he retreats, he is dizzy. Corporal believes his ears, but he will not believe his eyes. Li Taibai said, "But getting drunk is fun. Don't pass it on to people who wake up." The running length of Ku Sun Fu is 3 1.7 × 5 1.2Cm, 1 1 line, 18 1 word. This book was written in the second year of Fu Yuan (1099). It has been collected by Zhen Wu, Angie and Chen Ding. See Spectacular Life, Moguan, Continuation of Baodi in Shiqu, Calligraphy and Painting in the Forbidden City, etc. It is included in Sanxi Hall Shiqu Treasures, Renjutang Fa Tie, Moyuantang Treasures, Song Sijia Mo Bao and other royal sculptures. It is now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.