A 59-year-old patient showed me the test sheet. The results of blood lipid test showed that high density lipoprotein increased and other blood lipids were normal. I told him, don't worry, it's good blood fat, don't worry, this kind of blood fat increase is not only harmless, but also can reduce the waste of blood vessels, prevent the aggravation of atherosclerosis and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
In fact, our blood lipid is not an indicator. Simple classification, blood lipids include high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, total cholesterol and triglyceride.
Good blood fat-high density lipoprotein, this kind of blood fat can clean up vascular waste, reduce vascular waste continuously, relieve atherosclerosis, and theoretically prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Just a little higher, so this patient only has high-density lipoprotein, so of course he doesn't need to take medicine. Not only does he not take medicine, but his blood lipid is high, which is still beneficial.
Bad blood lipids-total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglyceride, these three lipids are bad blood lipids. These three kinds of elevated blood lipids are called hyperlipidemia, and these three kinds of elevated bad blood lipids will increase vascular waste, aggravate atherosclerosis and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
No matter how much it increases, people with hyperlipidemia should first eat healthily, reduce greasy food, fatty food, fried food and flour rice, increase coarse grains, increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits, and give up drinking, because drinking will not only increase blood lipids, but also cause acute pancreatitis in people with hyperlipidemia.
The increase of triglycerides is mainly caused by unhealthy diet, so we must control the diet first. If the triglyceride is higher than 5.65, we must take some fibrates to reduce the triglyceride. But whether you take medicine or not, you must eat healthily.
Cholesterol and low density simplicity can be put together. If cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are not diagnosed, and the simple low-density lipoprotein is higher than 4.9, you have to take medicine, usually statins. If it is lower than 4.9, you can control your diet and live a healthy life first. How to combine cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases or diabetes, the ideal target of low density lipoprotein is below 1.8.
Cholesterol and triglycerides are both high, depending on which one is dominant, cholesterol mainly eats statins, and high triglycerides mainly eats fibrates. Statins can not only lower cholesterol, but also lower triglycerides.
If blood lipids return to normal, it is necessary to continue monitoring and review. If blood lipids return to normal after half a year, we don't need to take medicine. If the blood lipid rises again, we need to decide whether to add medicine according to the above criteria.
High density lipoprotein is a good blood lipid. It is good to be taller. It's good to be taller. There is no need to take medicine.
Total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein and triglyceride are all bad blood lipids. If it is lower, so much the better. If it is higher, it must be controlled. Controlling hyperlipidemia is first and foremost a healthy diet. Secondly, we should decide whether to take medicine and what medicine to take according to the specific situation.
Most hyperlipidemia is not uncomfortable at first, so you can't feel it. You can only know if your blood lipids are abnormal by testing them. The increase of dyslipidemia will increase vascular garbage, aggravate atherosclerosis, and cause various atherosclerotic diseases, such as coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, carotid plaque, peripheral vascular plaque and stenosis. Therefore, the increase of bad blood lipids is not a good thing.
[Copyright by Dr. Cardiovascular King]
# Dr. Qingfeng said # # Qingfeng Project # # Health Truth Museum # @ Health Truth Officer