1, trace element test
People need calcium in their normal life. How do you know if you are calcium deficient? The scientific and simple method is to go to the hospital for blood calcium content determination. The blood calcium of normal people is maintained at 2.18-2.63 mmol/L (9-11mg/dl). If it is below this range, it is considered to be calcium deficiency.
2. Symptom diagnosis
Children can be diagnosed as calcium deficiency when they have the following symptoms:
It is not easy to fall asleep, not easy to enter a deep sleep state, crying after falling asleep, easy to wake up, sweating after falling asleep.
Paroxysmal abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramp, sternal pain, X-shaped leg, O-shaped leg, chicken breast, onychomycosis or leukoplakia.
Anorexia, partial eclipse, irritability during the day, restless sleep at night, frequent crying and convulsions.
Mental development is late, speaking is late, and learning is late. It takes 13 months to start studying.
Teeth come out late, and after 10 months, teeth are sparse, irregular and not tight, with black tips or serrated teeth.
Hair thinning, poor health, easy to catch a cold, etc.
3. The effect of calcium on children
From birth to adulthood, children can be said to have been in the growth stage. The height and speed of growth are reflected by the growth and development of bones. The main component of bones is calcium, which is also the main component of teeth. At the same time, many life activities in the human body need the participation of calcium ions. Therefore, calcium is a key mineral for children's growth and health.
4. How can children make up for calcium deficiency?
According to the above symptoms, many parents can judge whether their children are calcium deficient. If the child is short of calcium, it is necessary to supplement the child with calcium in time, which can be supplemented by eating foods with high calcium content, such as milk, tofu, kelp, sesame sauce and seafood. When supplementing calcium for children, vitamin D should be supplemented at the same time. Vitamin D can promote self-synthesis by sunbathing, and can also be supplemented by eating animal livers such as pig liver, sheep liver and bovine liver.
5. Precautions for children to supplement calcium
1. The child's pillow baldness is not necessarily calcium deficiency. It is necessary to go to the hospital to check trace elements in time to make sure that there is still time to supplement calcium due to calcium deficiency, and not blindly supplement calcium. Children are in the stage of bone growth and development. Excessive calcium intake will promote bone sclerosis and affect children's growth and development.
2. As long as a child who is breastfed normally eats 750ML of milk every day and often takes outdoor activities, the child will not be short of calcium and does not need additional supplements.
6, the baby should pay attention to calcium supplementation.
(1) Pay attention to daily diet while supplementing calcium.
Spinach, water spinach, bamboo shoots, onions and water bamboo all contain a lot of oxalic acid, which is easy to combine with calcium and affect absorption.
(2) Calcium supplementation should be appropriate, not excessive.
Calcium should also be supplemented in moderation, not as much as possible. The daily calcium intake of infants and young children is about 400 mg. If the intake of calcium exceeds the standard, it may lead to constipation, even interfere with the absorption and utilization of other trace elements such as zinc, iron and magnesium, and may also lead to the deposition of calcium in organs and tissues such as kidney and cardiovascular system, such as the potential danger of kidney calculi.
(3) Choose a calcium preparation suitable for your baby.
Choosing calcium for baby should follow the principle of "five highs and one low": high calcium content, high solubility, high bioavailability, high intestinal absorption, high safety and low heavy metal content. Gaidixin (Compound Calcium Carbonate Effervescent Granule), a calcium supplement product for children that has been clinically verified for many years, is the representative of this kind of calcium and is more suitable for infants.
(4) Supplementing vitamins A and D while supplementing calcium.
According to relevant data, what many children really lack is vitamin D, not calcium. The role of vitamin D is to ensure that calcium is fully absorbed by the intestine, while ensuring that calcium in the body will not be lost from urine. If the amount of vitamin D is not enough, it will show "calcium deficiency". In addition, vitamin A is of great significance to promote the growth of baby bones. If it is lacking, it will cause osteogenesis obstacle at the epiphysis, thus delaying the child's development.
(5) Calcium and zinc should not be supplemented together.
If calcium and zinc are taken together, although zinc will not interfere with the absorption of calcium, calcium will reduce the absorption of zinc. Therefore, the combination of calcium and zinc only plays the role of calcium supplementation, and the function of zinc supplementation cannot be exerted because it is inhibited.