What foods do people think are healthy, but they are actually unhealthy?

Incredibly, many food pyramids in the world are wrong-perhaps fatal.

For example:

The global prevalence of diabetes and heart disease may be largely due to the mistakes and assumptions in recommending diet decades ago, such as "just eat a low-fat diet", "just eat refined carbohydrates regularly" and "sugary desserts are part of the normal diet every day".

In fact, many of these dietary suggestions are based on the limitations of evidence-based nutrition in the past. However, the problem of fabricating and whitewashing data by industry-funded researchers for profit is becoming more and more serious.

For example, do you know:

An ultra-low salt diet may be one of the most unhealthy things you can do. Even if you have high blood pressure, this may be true (please check the video in the comments). Nevertheless, it is important to get enough iodine, potassium and vitamin C (to prevent the harmful effects of salt on blood vessels and arteries). Not only that, but also:

Many processed foods with high salt content contain low-quality salt without iodine. Of course, the most valuable nutrients in a large number of counterfeit food ingredients have been extracted.

As far as sugar is concerned, many kinds of fruit juices are as harmful as soft drinks. New research shows that drinking fruit juice regularly will only slightly increase the risk of clinical death.

Many kinds of fruits now have very unhealthy high sugar content, which is due to selective breeding for sweeter taste.

Choose fruits with high nutrition wisely, such as blueberries, and eat a small amount of fruits and a lot of high-fiber vegetables to reduce the bombardment of sugar on your cells and organs.

Because of its insulin surge and its toxic synergistic effect, especially with monosaccharides, processed meat products and unhealthy fats, refined grains are very unhealthy.

Boxed breakfast cereals labeled "natural", "low-fat" and "organic" are usually rich in processed carbohydrates, sugar and a lot of industrial seed oil-a toxic combination. Glucose bombards your cells and causes inflammation.

A low-fat diet is very, very unhealthy. But at the same time you want to:

Avoid unhealthy fat. Most refined "vegetable oil" and (refined) seed oil are super toxic. When it comes to industrially refined seed oil. Don't be confused by the word "vegetable oil" They not only cause inflammation, but also embed in the structure of human fat cells, and also lead to the loss of human fat cells. For example, long-term fasting usually leads to serious virus infection, and intermittent eating during the process of "visceral ketogenesis" will lead to a large release of these inflammatory toxins into the body system. This is why:

Margarine is poisonous-although those old TV and print advertisements promote what they call heart health. I suggest replacing margarine with healthy fat, eating nuts, seeds and fish rich in healthy fat, using extra virgin olive oil (please make sure it is real, not fake olive oil) and grass-fed beef butter.

Related content: David Haldorsen's answer is: How do you know if your olive oil is real olive oil, not a substitute? Is there an exam?

Related content: David Haldorsen's answer is: How do you know if your olive oil is real olive oil, not a substitute? Is there an exam?

Eggs are super healthy-(for those who are allowed to eat eggs), especially when they are eaten as part of the "fake food" of plant-based natural food. If you take them from your own backyard chicken, so much the better, it is organically fed. Eggs are an excellent source of choline to protect the brain and liver. However, it is best to cook eggs with tender water, or with low fire, and the eggs face up to avoid excessive oxidation. For this reason, it is also a good idea to cook the meat well instead of frying or grilling it. Although:

Eating too many eggs every day will lead to bad body odor. Six eggs a day may be an unacceptable stinking point.

All-natural plant-based diet helps to slow down the oxidation of meat and eggs cooked at high temperature, while absorbing and helping to eliminate toxins, including heavy metals and micro-nano plastics that may exist in various industrial food sources. Speaking of which:

At present, farmed salmon may be the most toxic industrial seafood in the world. I suggest using wild salmon instead, especially small fish with high fat content, such as sardines (compared with larger fish, it takes less time to filter marine toxins, and it contains a balanced omega-3 and omega-6, rich in vitamin D).

Vitamin D is essential for a healthy immune system. One of the best sources of vitamin D is Sue.