Everyone is proud of luxury, and my heart is only beautiful if it is frugal. Everyone laughs at me, and I don't think I'm sick. It should be said: Confucius said "solid is not as follows"; He also said: "It's hard to stand up." He also said: "It is not enough to have ambition in the discussion and be ashamed of poor food and clothing." The ancients regarded thrift as a virtue, but today people criticize it. Hey, what a surprise!
In recent years, customs have been particularly extravagant, with soldiers dressed like soldiers and farmers stepping on silk. I remember that among the heavenly saints, the first male is the official, and the guests never drink alcohol, but it is still three lines and five lines, but not more than seven lines. Wine is in the market, such as pears, chestnuts, dates and persimmons; The dish ends with preserved fruit and vegetable soup and is painted with porcelain. At that time, the literati were all natural, and people were wrong. Know the number and be diligent, thin and affectionate. Recently, the scholar-bureaucrat family, wine is not the law, fruits and vegetables are not rare from afar, food is not good, utensils are not complete, dare not meet guests and friends, and then dare to publish books. If not, people will refute it and think it is despicable. Therefore, those who don't follow the custom put on fresh clothes. Ha ha! The custom is so decadent, although the incumbent can't ban it, bear with it!
I also heard that Li Wenjing was the prime minister in the past, and he ruled Fengqiu Gate. Before listening, he only allowed the horse to rotate, or it was too narrow. The public laughed and said, "Those who take the lead should be passed on to future generations. This is a sincere pass for the Prime Minister to listen to things. He has been very lenient in giving gifts and listening to things. " Duke Lu, who participated in politics, was an admonition officer. The true sects called him urgently, so he got it from a restaurant, went into a restaurant, asked him where he was from, and treated him honestly. He said, "Why do you drink in the hotel to take care of the officials?" Right: "My family is poor. If the guests have no utensils, dishes or fruits, please go to the restaurant." There is no hiding, which is beneficial. Zhang Wenjie is a relative. When he was the secretary of Heyangzhang, relatives or rules said, "I got a lot of salary today, but I gave it myself." Although the public is confident and clear about the contract, there are also many outsiders who are ridiculed by Gongsun Bu. The public should follow the crowd less. "The crowd sighed:" My salary today, although my family has plenty of food and clothing, why not? Considering human nature, frugality is easy and difficult. How often can I get paid today? Can the body last forever? Once it is different from today, family members are used to luxury for a long time, and they will lose money if they can't be frugal. Is it always like a day for me to live, die and die? "oh! A great sage's foresight is beyond the reach of mediocre people!
Yu Sun said, "Thrift is virtue." Waste is a great evil. "* * *, in the same way, all people who speak virtue come from thrift. If a husband is frugal, he wants to be small: if a gentleman wants to be small, he will not be able to be straight; Little people have few desires. If they can use them carefully, they will stay away from evil. So, "frugality is also a virtue. "Luxury is more, and a gentleman who wants more is greedy and ruined. If a villain wants more, he will seek more, and he will perish; So they will bribe officials and steal their hometown. Therefore, luxury is a great evil. " 」
I used to try my father's porridge for a living; Meng Nuo will have talents after he knows it. Ji Wenzi is the three kings, my concubine doesn't wear clothes and silks, my horse doesn't eat millet, and a gentleman thinks loyalty. Guan Zhong, Zhu, and Shan? Seaweed, a gadget that Confucius despised. Uncle Wen Zi likes Wei Linggong, and Shi Qiu knows its disaster; And defense, if you are rich, you will offend, and if you die, you will die. He used to live on food and money until Sun was so arrogant that he lost everything. Shi Chong boasted and died in the East City. In recent days, Duke Kelai has been extravagant for a while, but he has made great achievements, and his descendants have learned the wind. Now he is poor. The rest are famous for their frugality, and many people have lost themselves because of extravagance and waste. I can't count them. Here are a few people to teach you. If you are not a disciple, you should cultivate your children and let them know the customs of their predecessors.
Proofreading this article does not stop at the original ancient prose view. School with four series of shadow Song Shaoxing this "Wen Guo Zheng Wen Sima Document Collection" volume sixty-nine.
I was born in a poor family, and I passed it down from generation to generation with innocence. I don't like luxury by nature. Growing up, my elders dressed me in gorgeous clothes decorated with gold and silver, and I always threw them away shyly. At the age of twenty, I was listed in the family name (Jinshi). I heard about the wedding banquet, but only (I) didn't wear flowers. In the same year, I said, "(Flowers) are given by the king, and you can't violate them (don't wear them)." I just inserted a flower (on the brim of my hat). I (always) want clothes (only) to keep out the cold and food (only) to fill my stomach. I dare not (intentionally) dress dirty and torn () against the secular nature, (indicating that I am different from ordinary people) and seek fame. Just follow my nature.
Many people regard extravagance and waste as glory, and I regard frugality and simplicity as my inner virtue. Others laugh at my stubbornness and ignorance. I didn't regard it as a defect and answered them, "Confucius said,' I would rather be stubborn and ignorant than proud. "He also said,' Few people make mistakes because of thrift.' He also said:' Scholars are interested in the truth, but they are ashamed of not eating well, not wearing well, and living worse than others. It's not worth talking to (him). The ancients regarded thrift as a virtue, but now people ridicule it for it, which is considered to be a defect. Hey, (really) strange! "
In recent years, the atmosphere is particularly extravagant and wasteful. Most policemen wear scholar's clothes, while farmers wear shoes made of silk. I remember that when my father was the judge of the Ministry of Pastoral Affairs during the reign of the saints, guests came and arranged the banquet without hesitation, but sometimes they poured (wine) three times, sometimes five times, not more than seven times at most. Wine is bought from the market. Fruits are limited to pears, chestnuts, dates and persimmons. Dried meat, meat sauce, vegetable soup, tableware porcelain and lacquerware are limited to snacks. At that time, the literati were all like this, and they didn't laugh at criticism. At that time, there were many parties, polite hospitality, little food and deep feelings. Recently, in the scholar-bureaucrat family, wine (if) is not (according to) the method of making wine (brewing) in the palace, fruits and appetizers (if) are not rare and exotic in the distance, dishes (if) are not (very) diverse, tableware (if) is not (set) a table, and (just) they are afraid to date and entertain guests and friends. It often takes months to prepare for a date before you dare to send an invitation. If someone doesn't do this, people will refute him and think that he has never seen the world and is reluctant to spend money. Therefore, there are fewer people who don't follow the customs. Alas, the atmosphere has deteriorated into this. Although powerful people can't stop it, can they have the heart to encourage this bad atmosphere?
I also heard that once upon a time, Li Wenjing was the prime minister and built a house at Fengqiumen. In front of the hall, only (a horse) can turn around. Some people say it is too narrow. (Li Wenjing) Gong said with a smile: "This house is to be passed on to future generations. The hall here as the prime minister (I am) is indeed (yes) narrow, but (but in the future) the hall used for praying and giving gifts (for my descendants) is already very spacious. " When Lu Gong was an remonstrator in politics, the real Sect summoned him urgently and later found him in a pub. After Duke Lu entered the palace, Shinzon asked him where he came from, and he answered Shinzon truthfully. The emperor said, "You (official position) belong to Qing Wang Guan. Why are you drinking in the pub? " (He) replied: "My family is poor, and the guests came. I didn't bring utensils, snacks or fruit, so I went to the pub to invite the guests to drink." The emperor respected (Duke Lu) more and more because he didn't hide it. When Zhang Wenjie became prime minister (at that time), he enjoyed his life, just like when he was a judge of Heyang Festival (before). Someone close to him advised him: "You are getting a lot of salary now, but you enjoy your life (frugality) like this." Although you know (yourself) is really (honest and frugal), (but) outsiders are very (to you). Gong (Zhang Wenjie) sighed and said, "My salary today (so much), even if the whole family (wears) silks and satins and (eats) expensive food, I'm afraid it can't be done? "But human nature, from thrift to luxury (is) easy (is), from luxury to thrift (is) difficult (is). How can we enjoy today's (high) salary for a long time? How can I stay healthy for a long time? (If) one day (I was dismissed from office or died of illness, which is not the same as it is now), people in my family have been used to living in luxury for a long time and can't be frugal immediately, (at that time) they will be hungry and cold (because of all their luxuries), then (whether) I am a (big) official or not, I am alive or dead, (the living standard at home is the same) Alas, a moral person.
Yu Sun said: "Thrift is the * * (characteristic) of all kinds of good morals; Luxury (the greatest sin among all kinds of evils). " It is said that people with good moral character all come from thrift. If you are frugal, you will be less greedy. People in position (if) they are not so greedy, they will not be enslaved and bound by foreign things, and they can take the upright road. People without status (if) have less greed, they can restrain themselves, save money, avoid crime and enrich their families. So: "frugality (is the * * * (characteristic) of all kinds of goodness." Luxury will lead to more greed. People in power (if) are greedy, they will covet wealth, do not take the right path, and (finally) lead to disaster; People who have no status (if) have more greed, they will take from many sources, waste at will, and (finally) lose their families and lives. Therefore, officials (if extravagant) will inevitably take bribes and steal other people's property (if ordinary people, if extravagant) in rural areas. So: "luxury (is all kinds of) sin (middle) is big (sin)."
In ancient times, when Gao's father lived on gruel, Meng Zixuan concluded that his descendants must be outstanding people. Ji Wenzi (before and after) assisted the three kings. The little wife didn't wear silk, and the horse didn't feed the millet. Celebrities think (he) is loyal (in the office). Guan Zhong (uses) carved tableware, red hat belt, bucket arch carved with mountains (inside the house), and short columns painted with algae on the beams (luxurious life). Confucius looked down on him and criticized his lack of knowledge. Uncle (at home) hosted a banquet, knowing that he was (inevitably) going to suffer, and sure enough, he arrived (Wen Zi died, son of Wen Zi) Gong (when) and Gong Yincai fled abroad. He used to eat and drink (spend) 10 thousand copper coins a day until his grandson (this generation) died of extravagance and extravagance. Shi Chong lavished money and finally died on the execution ground. In recent years, Clayton's luxury ranks first among contemporary people, but people don't criticize him for his great achievements. His descendants (but his) inherited his family style (and luxury), and now most of them are poor. There are (still) many other cases where thrift has established a (good) reputation and luxury has failed, so we won't list them one by one. Here are some people to teach you. You should not only express yourself (frugality), but also teach your children and grandchildren (frugality) to let them know the styles and customs of their predecessors.