Although iron supplementation has been accepted by pig farms and become a necessary process for pig farms, most people only stay at the "systematic" level, and lack sufficient understanding of why and how to supplement iron scientifically, so that iron supplementation not only fails to achieve its due effect, but even backfires, such as severe stress reaction, slow absorption, congestion at injection sites, allergic death and so on. After iron supplementation, piglets are still anemic and grow slowly. Adding a certain amount of bile acid into piglet feed can enhance piglet immunity, enhance anti-stress ability, promote digestion and absorption and solve the above problems.
Pig bile acid is extracted from pig bile, which is more suitable for pig application. It can improve the absorption and utilization of fat in pigs and maintain the intestinal health of pigs. Its main components are about 8- 10%, about 15% and about 3% chenodeoxycholic acid. Among them, pig bile acid is the most deficient and plays a key role. Supplementing pig bile acid can promote the development and realization of digestive system in piglets.
Bile acid is the main active component of bile and a series of sterols produced in the process of cholesterol metabolism in animals, which has many biological activities. In the process of fat utilization, bile acids play a role in three stages: fat emulsification, digestion and absorption. In the enterohepatic circulation, bile acids can activate lipase activity to hydrolyze fat while emulsifying fat, and then form chyle particles with fatty acids, so that fatty acids can be absorbed through the membrane and promote the efficient digestion and absorption of fat. In addition, bile acids returning to the liver can stimulate bile secretion, dredge the biliary tract, and eliminate harmful substances such as mycotoxin and bacterial endotoxin, thus playing a role in protecting the liver and gallbladder.
1, promote fat digestion and absorption, improve fat utilization rate, increase daily gain by 8%- 10%, reduce feed-meat ratio by 5%- 10%, and reduce diarrhea rate by 5%-10%;
2, improve the feed conversion rate, effectively solve the nutritional diarrhea of piglets, improve the anti-stress level and enhance the immunity of the body;
3, improving the growth performance of piglets, accelerating the growth speed of piglets and shortening the slaughter time;
4, improve muscle strength, improve the physiological environment of the body, reduce the fat content in the body, and improve the water retention and flavor of meat;
5. Improve the milk quality of lactating sows and increase the survival rate and birth weight of suckling pigs.
Its mechanism of action:
1. Emulsifying lipid substances in feed into chylous particles is beneficial to intestinal absorption and utilization, and improves the digestion and absorption rate of lipids, protein and carbohydrates in feed;
2, activating lipase, promoting bile secretion and excretion, and promoting lipid digestion and absorption;
3. Solve the problem of insufficient secretion of endogenous emulsifier caused by weaning stress in suckling pigs and piglets, and stimulate the development and maturity of internal organs; Dynamically assist to improve the function of liver and gallbladder and increase physical health;
4, improve the body's anti-stress ability, improve the activities of SOD, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase, remove free radicals and ensure the health of the body;
5. Regulate the secretion of gastrin and thyroxine in the body, improve the feed intake and promote growth.