1, luck
English [l? k]? Beauty [l? k]?
Luck; Lucky; Something that brings good luck, V. By luck, by luck; Happened to meet the name, n. (luck); (Germany, Sweden) Luke; (British) luck; Luc (France)
Phrase: bad luck; Unlucky; What bad luck; Bad luck? Lucky goddess meteor shower; Goddess of fortune; Lucky; Lucky lady, lucky dog; Lido, USA; Lucky; Lucky dog
2. Wealth
English [welθ]? Beauty [w? lθ]?
Wealth; A large number; Rich
Phrases: wealth management wealth management; Property management; Wealth management; Wealth management, wealth tax [tax] wealth tax; Property tax; Rich tax, revolutionary wealth wealth revolution; Toffler; Wealth revolution
3. Wealth
English ['ft? u? n; -t? (? )n】? Beauty [f? rtn]?
Wealth; Fate; Luck gives wealth? , six. Occasionally, n. (fortune) name; Fu Qiong (UK); Fortunat (French)
Phrases: fortune cookie fortune cookie; Signature cake; Signature cake? Quinton Fortune Fu Qiong; Quinton Fortune; Cordoni
Funpark Wealth Wealth Amusement Park
4. Rich
English [r? t? ]? Beauty [r? t? ]?
Rich; Fertile; Expensive, greasy, with a lot of fat? , n. (rich) name; (Dan) Rick; (Czech) is richer; Rich in English and Spanish; Rish (Portugal, France)
Phrases: Adrian Ritchie Adrian Ritchie; Adrijana Ritchie; Poet Rui Qi; Adrian Ritchie, rich media rich media; Rich media advertising; Enrich the media; Multimedia, monopoly of the rich; A miserly god of wealth; Rich people; People who used to be called rich.
5. Health
English [helθ]? Beauty [h? lθ]?
Noun (abbreviation for noun) is healthy; Hygiene; Medical care; Prosperous
Phrase: health food, green food; [Food] Health food; Healthy food; Health status and health status of Vides Company; Health status; Health status? Health Economics Health Economics; Health economics; A healthy economy; economics