The life span of blue cats is related to feeding. The life span of blue cats is not only related to breeds and genetic factors, but also greatly influenced by acquired management and maintenance. By simple comparison, the average life expectancy of wild cats living outdoors is shorter than that of pet cats kept at home. Wild cats don't have a comfortable and clean living environment, and their diet can't be guaranteed. Dirty environment is more likely to make wild cats infected with various bacteria and viruses or infectious diseases that endanger their condition.
The life span of blue cats is related to acquired care. The blue cat raised at home is carefully taken care of and cared for by its owner. There is a warm and clean living environment, and the diet is carefully prepared by the owner. This kind of food is nutritious and fresh. In addition, reasonable exercise can make blue cats stronger, free from environmental erosion and keep British dwarfs away from bacteria and various infectious diseases. In addition, advanced pet science, annual vaccination and owner's care all make blue cats healthier and prolong their life.