AntVG6 is an open source graphic visualization engine, focusing on graphic visualization and graphic analysis. In G6, the status of nodes/edges is used to feed back user interaction and data changes. Through states, you can quickly associate interaction/data changes with style changes of elements in the view.
G63.4 supports:
Quickly set the target state: when a node/edge has set a large number of different states, when you want to set a new state, you can quickly clear all the previous states;
Multi-value: that is, a state quantity has many different values, such as node representation, which has four States: health, suspicion, diagnosis and death;
Mutually exclusive: For example, among the four states of health, suspicion, diagnosis and death, death and the other three states are mutually exclusive, so it is impossible to have two states of health and death at the same time;
Style update of all subgraphs in a node/edge: for example, when the state of a node composed of text and circle changes, not only the style of circle but also the style of text can be set;
Modify status style configuration: you can quickly modify the status style configuration.