Is smoking pipe harmful to the lungs?

The main reason why pipes are harmless to health is that they don't inhale smoke into the lungs.

On page 92 of the Bulletin on Smoking and Health, the General Surgeons' Office (the health authority in the United States that printed warnings on cigarettes) wrote that "pipe smokers who don't smoke live longer than non-smokers (the mortality rate is 20% lower than that of non-smokers). The reason may be that smokers are calm and emotionally stable.

A pipe is different from smoking. Most smokers are addicted. They have to smoke a lot and inhale into their lungs to get enough. Because smoking pipes don't inhale cigarettes into their lungs, they are not addictive. In addition, the special tobacco for pipe does not contain any chemicals added when making cigarettes.

Professor Zhu Shuxun, the authority of cardiac surgery in National Taiwan University Hospital, also pointed out in the article "Surgical Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease": "Smoking is not only related to lung cancer and many respiratory diseases, but also has a great relationship with heart disease. According to statistics from all sides, the probability of smokers suffering from heart disease or dying of heart disease is 2 to 6 times that of non-smokers, and the risk is directly proportional to the amount of smoking. After quitting smoking, the risk of heart disease is reduced, so it is not too late for people who are already addicted to smoking to make up their minds to quit smoking immediately. People who smoke cigars and pipes don't have a much increased risk of heart disease, which may be because such cigarettes are rarely inhaled. 」

Pipeline users vary from person to person, and everyone has their own limits. Beyond this limit, it is strange that the pipe will not be good enough to smoke, so he doesn't want to smoke. Smokers are constrained by their addiction and have to smoke.

A pipe smoker only takes out his pipe in two situations:

( 1)

When you are calm and relaxed, you will sit comfortably and light a pipe, and then enjoy it leisurely for 30 ~ 40 minutes, which will be a peaceful physical and mental liberation.


Relieve your mood by smoking a pipe when you are anxious.

In America, even advertisements can say that smokers live longer.

People who smoke pipes enjoy their pipes in a way similar to those who use meditation to relieve tension.

Stress is the root of all diseases. Don't say how much smoking or smoking a pipe can help relieve stress. If you are not a less nervous person, you will never become a smoker.

It's too easy (difficult) to quit smoking, because someone has quit smoking 1000 times. Smoking pipe is the best way to quit smoking, which is more effective than chewing gum or patch. Gradually quit nicotine addiction through smoking a pipe and turn bad habits into hobbies. Its immediate benefit is that the moment you change the pipe, you will no longer inhale cigarettes into your lungs.

After switching to a pipe, it is difficult for most people to smoke any more, because the enjoyment brought by a pipe is absolutely incomparable to smoking, and even you will start to hate the odor caused by cigarette burning, only to find out how annoying you are.

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