Daily calories required by normal people
The calories a normal person needs every day are related to his weight. The relationship between calorie intake per hour and body weight is about 1 kcal/hour/kg, that is, 4. 186 kj/hour/kg. Therefore, the normal average daily calorie requirement of an adult weighing 50 kg is as follows: average calorie requirement =4. 186 kj *24 hours *50 kg =5023.2 kj.
On average, for every kilogram of weight gain, the body needs 0. 1MJ more calories. Generally speaking, an adult male needs about 9.25 ~100900 joules per day, and an adult female needs about 798 ~ 88200 joules per day. Pupils need about 9.25 million joules of heat every day on average, which is similar to the minimum heat required by an adult man.