What's the advantage of skipping dinner?

Skipping meals is not good, but harmful;

1, stomach injury

The pH value of gastric acid is 0.9~ 1.5. If you don't eat dinner, stomach acid will damage and corrode the gastric mucosa, which is not good for nourishing the stomach. After a long time, the risk of gastric ulcer and gastritis will increase.

2, affecting sleep

In the evening, the food for lunch has been digested and absorbed, and the stomach is naturally hungry. If you insist on not eating dinner, you may be too hungry to sleep at night and your body will not get a normal rest. The next day, your body will feel tired, inattentive and less efficient in work and study. In the long run, it will easily lead to poor mental state, even low immunity, and diseases will take advantage of it.

3. It is easier to get fat.

If you don't eat at night, you won't get the energy you need. The human body will choose to slow down metabolism and reduce the loss of energy instead of converting fat into energy through complex biochemical reactions.

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