We have seen more and more organ-on-a-chip devices, in which small pieces of living biological tissues are used to copy the functions of actual organs. Now, scientists have created the first chip tooth in history, which mimics a decayed tooth.
In most cases, the organ-on-chip device will combine tissue samples from a given organ, which are placed on a small transparent slide. Then, various chemicals are passed through the sample using microfluidic channels in the slide. According to the way tissues react, researchers can infer the possible effects on the whole organ.
Chip Teeth was developed by Oregon Health and Science University, which uses a similar working principle. It contains a small piece of dentin material from molars, sandwiched between transparent rubber sheets. The channels etched on these slides allow the introduced fluid to flow through the dentin. This replicates the way holes in teeth allow bacteria to enter the inside of teeth.
Using a microscope, scientists can study the reaction of samples. This technology can eventually be used to develop solutions for cavity filling or cavity prevention. In addition, it can also be used to optimize individual treatment methods-although the latter requires some sacrifices.
Associate Professor Luiz E. Bertassoni, the chief scientist, said: From now on, dentists can pull out a tooth from a patient's body, put it into equipment, observe how the dental filling material interacts with the tooth, and choose the most suitable material for this particular patient. This opens a new window for understanding the complexity of dental care, which may greatly change our dental treatment.
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