Why is unhealthy food more delicious than healthy food?

Healthy and natural food is delicious for healthy and pure taste buds. The problem is that healthy taste buds are very rare in our society. That's why.

Junk food and processed food are really addictive. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is a business strategy, as simple as that. They must compete with other food giants and sell as much as possible. The profit of natural food is far less than that of processed food.

This is a link to an extraordinary scientific article by The New York Times about addictive junk food. This book, also written by Michael Moss, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist, explores this issue in greater depth: in addition, you can read Howard Moscovitz's article. He is a market researcher and psychophysicist, studying for a doctorate in taste, and has discovered the concept of "bliss point" of sugar, which helps processed food companies make the best use of sugar and other ingredients to help them sell more products.

Another problem is that the institutions that issue certificates to nutritionists are all funded by the food industry! ! "Conflict of interest" If you don't understand why this is a problem. Fortunately, a group of nutritionists are trying to change this situation. You can see their related information on their poorly labeled homepage: homepage.

Junk food, even processed food that is usually considered "healthy" (due to successful marketing), will change your taste buds over time. The more sugar, salt and processed foods you eat, the less sensitive your taste buds are to things other than salty and sweet.

In America, many popular children's cereals contain 75% sugar. Yes, that means 75% of the food they eat is sugar, and the other 25% is other ingredients. This is an ordinary breakfast, which consists of 3/4 sugar. Think about it.

Baby food and infant formula are also high in sugar. Unlike non-baby food labels, FDA does not require that the sugar content be indicated on food labels. So in essence, we are very used to favoring high salt and high sugar from infancy.

Please note that those who grow up in processed food and like junk food will say that delicious food is "boring" because they can't taste it, but they like food such as bread. When is the bread delicious? That's not true.

Dopamine in sugar and simple carbohydrates will be converted into sugar (such as highly processed white flour) at the back of your mouth, which usually confuses you and tastes good. When food is addictive, we often attribute it to its delicious taste, but it is not the case. It may taste good, but it is addictive, because the sugar craze leads to dopamine. With the destruction of your hormone, you drown your blood with too much sugar, which is cleared by insulin, stored in the form of fat, and then makes you hungry.