Judging whether you are infertile by the color of sperm.

Normal sperm is pale yellow. It is normal for semen to appear yellow without sexual life or ejaculation for a long time. If it is yellow every time, it is considered to have inflammation (such as prostatitis). ). It is recommended to go to a regular hospital for a check-up.

Scrotal dampness refers to the factors that cause scrotal dampness when there is no change in the surface of scrotal skin, but abnormal feelings such as sweating, dampness or chills appear:

Most patients with scrotal dampness are accompanied by prostatitis, mainly autonomic nervous dysfunction caused by prostatitis. With the improvement and cure of prostatitis, scrotal dampness will appear intermittently until it disappears. However, if prostatitis is not treated properly or thoroughly, scrotal dampness will not disappear, and it is necessary to go to a regular hospital for relevant examination.

If the patient finds that the scrotum is wet without prostatitis, don't be nervous. He went to see a doctor and took medicine everywhere, because scrotum is not necessarily pathological. Generally speaking, he should pay attention to local cleaning and drying.


There are many reasons for frequent urination, which can be summarized as follows:

(1) Increased urine volume: When the urine volume increases, the frequency of urination will also increase accordingly. Under physiological conditions, such as drinking plenty of water, watermelon, beer, etc. Due to the increase of drinking water, through the regulation and filtration of the kidney, the amount of urine increases and the number of urination increases, resulting in frequent urination. Under pathological conditions, some patients with diabetes and diabetes insipidus drink more water, urinate more and urinate frequently. But I don't feel uncomfortable urinating.

(2) Inflammation stimulation: When the bladder is inflamed, the threshold of nerve perception decreases, and the micturition center is in an excited state, resulting in frequent urination and decreased urine output (adult

(3) Non-inflammatory stimuli: such as urinary calculi and foreign bodies, usually manifested as frequent urination.

(4) Decreased bladder capacity: such as bladder occupying lesions, tuberculous bladder contracture or large bladder stones.

(5) Psychoneurotic frequent micturition: Frequent micturition is only seen during the day or before going to bed at night. It is common in patients who are nervous or hysterical. At this time, it can also be accompanied by urgency and pain.

Tips: The above are experts' detailed answers to sperm color. Experts remind that if you have such diseases, please go to a professional hospital to avoid delay.

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