How thick is the lead sheet to block y-rays? Be precise.

3mm thick lead plate can block y-rays.

General medical institutions for 10 millicuries of gamma rays, are only 3mm lead plate can block.

Lead sheet, with strong corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistance, often used in acid-resistant environments, construction, medical metal, X-ray, CT room radiation protection, weighted, soundproofing, and many other aspects, is a better metal material. Therefore, the common material of lead ray protection door is lead plate. Radiation protection coating is a barium sulfate as the raw ore after imported equipment screening fine processing, with lead oxide, iron oxide and other heavy metal metal materials, cementitious materials composite, with - specific gravity, absorption of rays and scattering rays ability, high coagulation strength is not easy to crack, long service life and other advantages. Widely used in medical CT room, X-ray fluoroscopy, filming room, DR, C-arm machine room, gas pedal, cobalt 60 machine room, simulation positioning machine, extracorporeal lithotripter, PET machine room and other radiation places such as walls, room roof, ground protection and other environmental protection, is the ideal shielding material for X, γ rays. Metal performance: the efficiency of shielding radon>90%; shielding 241Am Y-ray efficiency of 9.3%