Help, hospital air purification should be selected with what purification equipment?

1, the ward space is small, so the machine to ensure that the ward space is not used, the best hanging

2, the hospital bacteria and viruses of all kinds, the best equipment can have the role of sterilization

3, the hospital staff is more complex to ensure air circulation, the machine to ensure that the use of the window does not affect the ventilation

4, the machine should be a small power, will not increase the burden of electricity, will not exceed the load of the electrical circuit. Electricity burden, will not exceed the circuit load.

Based on the conditions that need to have, the use of ecological anion generation chip technology, nano fullerene anion releaser technology, with negative ion system and pollutant collection system of ecological anion technology purification equipment can meet the conditions, the first, the machine can be hung on the roof to use, does not take up space. The second, ecological level negative ions can reverse the biological electrode of microorganisms, there is a sterilization effect. The third, negative ion purification does not need a fan, does not return to affect the indoor air flow, allowing the use of open windows. The fourth, the power is only 5 watts, will be a small energy-saving lamp power, will not increase the burden of electricity, the People's Liberation Army 202 Hospital, the Army General Hospital, Medical University Hospital, Medical University Hospital, there are examples.